The One Where He Has To Come Out.

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This is a trigger warning for some homophobic language (I in no way think that it's okay to use any of the words said and it is slightly censored).

Safe reading!


"Thor how the fuck do we stop this thing!" Tony shouted over the comms.

They were fighting a rogue wizard from Asgard and they by no means were winning.

I mean this guy could read minds he knew exactly what everyone was thinking, it was impossible to sneak up on him.

"Well we can't surprise him so we should all attack him at once?" Thor answer unsure.

"Was that a question or an answer Thor." Sam sarcastically remarked as he shot at the wizard.

"An answer?" Thor summoned some lighting and directed it at the guy.

"I wish I stayed in the ice." Steve mumbled, punching a random mannequin that the wizard had brought to life. "This shit didn't happen back in the forties."

"What's got you in a bad mood Cap?" Nat asked as she guided a couple of civilians to safety.

"We- I was in the middle of doing something when this psycho started attacking New York!" He started yelling after saying psycho so that the wizard could hear him.

He looked offended but Steve just flipped him off.

"Huh let me guess that 'something' you were doing was Tony?" Clint joked, shooting an arrow randomly just so it looked like he was helping.

"You know it baby!"Tony laughed.

"Ew I did not need to know that." Peter joined the conversation.

"Kid? What are you doing here?" Tony shot a couple of blasts at the wizard. "Shouldn't you be at school."

"There's a wizard attacking New York and you want me to be thinking about algebra?" Peter shook his hair. "Mr Stark you need to get your priorities straight."

"Isn't your dad literally a wizard?" Bruce asked, he was back at the tower in case anyone got injured.

Peter rolled his eyes. "He's not my dad, he's a friend of my aunts. He's just looking after me while she's working abroad."

"Still you live with a wizard this should be normal for you." Sam commented.

"Mr Strange is great and all but Mr Wizard-Attacking-New-York is way cooler." He tried to kick the wizard as he swung past but he just moved out of the way. "Does this guy have a Spider-Sense too? I can't land a single hit!"

"Oh yea he can read minds." Steve said nonchalantly.

"He can read minds?" Peter perched on top of a building, he was in view of the wizard but out of reach.

"That's right little spider!" The wizard cackled, a trail of green smoke trailed behind him as he flew up. He was floating a couple feet away. "I know you're secret."

"What secret? What's he talking about Pete?" Tony asked, he landed on the building next to the one Peter was on.

Sam picked up Clint on the way and landed next to Tony. Thor carried Natasha and used his hammer to land on the building the other side of Peter.

At some point Cap had climbed the fire escape and was also on that building.

"I know your secret! Your dirty little secret!" The wizard sang childishly. "Wouldn't it be a shame if everyone found out."

Peter stood up so he was eye level to the wizard, still on the edge of the building.

"Peter?" Steve asked carefully, he could see that Peter was shaking slightly.

Peter pulled of his mask and he looked livid.

"Fuck you!" Peter spat. "Fuck you for thinking that you can tell them!"

"Aw is the little spider scared? What if I told them?" The wizard laughed. "What if I told them what you really think about? The way you think of other boys?"

"Oh what are you gunna tell them huh? Are you going to tell them, that I'm a f*ggot? Are you going to tell them that I'm a cocksucker? Or how about you tell them about what a disgusting human being I am and how I am definitely going to hell!" Peter yelled.

"I'm not scared of you! Nothing they can me will be anything new! I've heard it all, so fuck you dude!" He continued. "This was not your secret to tell! I'm supposed to be the one who decides when and where and who know and that was supposed to be my thing!"

"So fuck you!" He hissed one last time before shooting a taser web at the wizard. He knew it was coming but was unable to move in time.

The wizard fell out of the sky and landed with a thud on the ground.

Tony flew over to where Peter was stood and stepped out of the suit.

"Peter..." He reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder which Peter immediately shrugged off.

"I've got to go." He mumbled, pulling on his mask and swinging off.


Avenger's Assemble

13:38  04/03/20

Irondude: Peter we are okay with it

IceIceBaby: yea we accept you

KatpissEverdie: we love you Peter

ImABird: come on man at least let us know you're okay

MyBrothersASnake: on Asgard we do not have labels like you do here everyone is free to love who they love so never be ashamed of it man of spiders

TheCalmestManEver: I get it pete coming out is hard if you want to talk about it I'm here

Irondude: we all get it Underoos

Irondude: me and Clint are bi, Steve and Bruce are gay, Thor's pan and Natasha is a lesbian

ImABird: yea I'm gay too btw been dating Bucky since before he went into cryogenic chamber

ScaryLady: don't forget Bruce and I are asexual

Irondude: yea so we get it bambi just remember that we love you


Avenger's Assemble

00:53 05/03/20

AhhASpider!: i love you guys too


I feel like I haven't upload in ages. I just haven't had any motivation but since I have the day off I thought I would update!

This was inspired by an It oneshot I read so if everyone feels ooc then that's why.

I made a supernatural oneshot book (it'll probably be mostly destiel) so if you like supernatural you should check that out!

Make sure you all take care of yourselves n if you need to take a mental health day do it!

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health!

Stay safe my dudes!

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