The One Where Peters Gone.

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It had been a couple of days since the events of Titian took place. Tony and Nebula had since returned to the Avengers tower where the remaining Guardians  and Avengers are staying.

Tony has been locked away in his lab, refusing to talk to anyone. No one knows who he lost since Nebula has told them its not her story to tell.


"Tony," Steve said as he stood in the door way of Tony's lab. "Come eat with us, you haven't eaten or slept since you came back and we're all really worried about you."

Tony, not taking his eyes off of the blue prints of a suit that Steve didn't recognize, shook his head no.

"Please, I promise you don't have to talk anyone." Tony looked up for the first time and seemed to think it through.

"Okay." He said so quietly Steve wasn't sure if he had heard right. 

Steve smiled brightly and lead Tony into the elevator, pressing the button for the common floor. They road the elevator in silence, the only sound being their heavy breathing. 

After what felt like an hour of awkward silence the elevator opened to revel Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Rocket, Nebula, Scott and Rhodey sat around the island in the kitchen.

 They were all eating and chatting most throwing a greeting towards Tony as he sat down next to Rhodey.

"So now that we are all here we should talk about business." Natasha interrupted any conversations that were still happening. "We need to find a way to reverse what happened."

Tony's breath hitched at the thought of the snap and shakily took a sip of the coffee Rhodey had put in front of him. Most nodded along as they continued to eat whatever food they had.

Everyone pitched in ideas as they discussed a way to bring everyone back, Steve kept glancing at Tony as he stared at the cup in his hands as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

"Tony?" Steve interrupted Scott who was suggesting a time heist. Everyone turned to look at Tony. "You okay? Do you need anything? Food? Sleep?"

Tony shook his head no even though he was starving and on the verge of passing out.

"Are you sure? You don't look so good man." Clint said with worry written all over his face.

"I'm fine." Tony spoke for the first time since he sat down.

"Activating the Pass Me My Cane Protocol." FRIDAY's robotic voice spoke throughout the room.

The group shared confused glances and looked to Tony who looked equally confused.

"FRI?" Tony asked panicking ever so slightly. A hologram popped up in the middle of the kitchen island and the face of a teenager most of the group didn't recognize popped up. They all looked towards Tony who looked as though he would cry at any moment.

"Is this thing on?" The boy asked once he looked satisfied that it was on he sat down on the bed behind him. "Hey dad!" The boy waved towards the camera.

The team looked at Tony who had silent tears running down his face, they decided to ask him about it after the video was done.

"Its me Peter!" The boy, Peter smiled. "If you are watching this then you are probably wondering what the 'Pass Me My Cane' protocol is." Peter chuckled slightly at the name. "It also means that for some reason I am gone." He had a sad smile on his face for a second before his usual smile returned.

Tony let out a sob at the thought of what happened.

"I want you to know  that this is not your fault, I may not know what happened but I know for a fact that you are blaming yourself." He paused as if he was thinking about what to say next. "I also know that you did everything you could to save me."

"So, the protocol. First of all this isn't the only one! I call them the 'Old Man' protocols since the ones you made for me are under the 'Baby Monitor' protocol." Peter chuckled at the names. "This one in particular is probably the most important. It's for when you aren't looking after yourself! It activates when someone asks you to eat and sleep and you say 'I'm fine'" He deepened his voice as he said 'I'm fine' to make him sound more like Tony.

Tony laughed at his sons impression, a couple of the others also laughed.

"So the protocol locks you out of your lab and every other room apart from the kitchen and your bedroom!  So please dad look after yourself otherwise I'll haunt you!" There was a knock at the door and in walks past Tony. He walked over and sat down next to Peter.

"Hey  Bambino." Video Tony smile at his son with the soft smile that only Peter gets to see and ruffled his hair.

The Avengers all  looked towards in shock at how parental Tony was being, they had never seen him like this. They didn't even know he had a son!

Video Tony looked towards the camera  with an eyebrow raised. "What are you doing?"

"Uh...Just a school project." Peter scratched at the back of his neck, a nervous habit he picked up from Tony. "I'm nearly done though."

Tony looked as though he didn't believe him but trusted his son enough to know that he'll show him when he's ready. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to have a movie night, we can order pizza." 

Tony smiled sadly at the memory of that night, they had both feel asleep cuddling. Pepper had walked in and took a photo which may or may not be Tony's lock screen.

"Can we watch Star Wars?" Peter smiled with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Tony rolled his eyes in response.

"Seriously." He laughed as he glared at his son but he looked more fond then annoyed." We have watched it like 3 times this week." 

Peter looked up at his dad with his best puppy dog eyes. "Please." He said dragging out the word. The stayed staring at each other for a couple of seconds before Tony gave in.

"Urgh, fine but you can't use puppy dog eyes everytime.  You know I can't say no to them." 

Peter jumped in excitement and hugged him. "Thank you! I'll quickly finish this while you order the pizza?"

"Okay Underoos," Video Tony stood and walked towards the door. " don't be long though or I'll tell Pepper that you stayed out till 2 last night!"  He chuckled at the face Peter made.

Peter stayed looking at the door until he heard it click shut and was satisfied that he could no longer hear him. Peter turned back to the camera as he stood up and lent towards it, one of his arms going out of shot and rested on what they assumed was the off button so that he could turn it off after he finished speaking.

"Remember, don't do anything I would do and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do." 

"I love you 3000 dad."


Ahh the start it awful but I had this idea and I had to write it! I hoped you all enjoyed it!

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