The One Where Hes Stuck.

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Tw this has mentions of injuries and panics attacks so read with care!


Peter was one hundred percent certain that Tony was going to be mad at him.

Its not like he meant for this to happen again, it just did!

Although the first time he'd been trapped under a building he hadn't been on a mission fighting robots with the Avengers.

So he didn't really have much choice in how it turned out, it was either get out yourself or die.

"Uh I need some help." Peter mumbled into the comms, he'd been trapped under the building for about five minutes so far and he had been hesitant to call for help.

He really didn't want to bother them unless he had too, they already had to looks after him considering he's only just old enough to drive.

They didn't need to think he was bad at his job as well.

He has originally tried to lift the building off of himself. He'd gotten pretty close as well he nearly been fully stood up until someone had thrown something, he suspected it was part of a robot, that had landed on the building.

It shifted some of the rubble causing the weight to shift and Peter to fall back, his side being pierced by a metal pole that had been sticking through the ground.

No one replied straight away, Peter was worried that his comm had been broken in the fall and he really didn't think he could get out of this without them.

"Are you okay Spider-Man?" Steve asked through the comms, making sure to use his hero name rather then Peter on the off chance someone had hacked in and was listening.

Tony always argues that no one could hack his tech, Peter reminds him that him and Ned had managed it in a motel.

Tony just pretends he can't hear him.

Steve sticks to using code names anyway.

"Yea I'm fine just a little stuck so if someone could come get me that would be a-okay with me." Peter hope he doesn't sound too panicked but the wet patch under him was growing and Peter was about ninety percent sure it was blood.

Is it bad he was hoping it was blood?

He heard some muffled cursing through the comms, he wishes he wasn't stuck so he could help.

But apparently god hates him so you know fuck him. Chucks a stupid name anyway.

"Holy shit! Where the fuck did they come from?" Clint asks through the comms and Peter thinks about asking what it is but Steve's talking before he has the chance.

"A bunch more of theses guys just turned up, are you okay with waiting Spidey? I can send someone if it's urgent." Peter should have spoken up then, should have told them where he was so he could get out and not be worried about bleeding to death.

He didn't though because he's an idiot.

"I'll be fine." Peter promises although the fact that his one of his legs is going numb is probably a bad sign.

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