The One Where He's Mad At Steve.

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Peter was pissed off. No pissed off doesn't show how annoyed he is.

He got detention! On a Friday!

It wasn't even his fault! Flash was picking on him again and when he stands up for himself he gets in trouble!

Like who even thought of that system!

'Oh yea bullying is fine but if you stand up for yourself then you're in the wrong.'

It's bullshit!

So yea Peter was in a bad mood.


Peter finally got back to the tower an nearly two hours after school actually finished and he was more pissed then before.

He walked out of the elevator, walked straight over to the sofa and flopped face first onto the soft cushions.

"Bad day kid?" Tony asked when he saw his obviously distressed son.

"Yea you could say that." He was hard to hear since his face was squished against the sofa.

"Well I guess you won't want the tickets I got for you and the nerds for be more chill then." The older man said as he took a sip from his coffee.

"You got them!" The spider sat up so fast that Tony was surprised he didn't get whiplash.

He chuckled "Yea of course I did I'm Tony Stark."

"Thank you so much!" Peter ran to hug his dad as Bucky and Steve walked in.

"Hey Pete." Steve smiled at the boy.

Peter ignored him. "I'm gunna go do homework." Peter stood up and walked past his uncles. "Hey Uncle Bucky!"

He just glared at Steve and left.

"Did I do something to him?" Steve asked worried that he had done something to his nephew.

"I don't know Spangles, he had a bad day." Tony replied.


This carried on for the rest of the night, Peter was normal for everyone but Steve. He would ignore him and make snarky comments.

It was lunch the next day when the team found out why.

"Oh Peter I've been meaning to ask why you were home late yesterday." His mum, Pepper asked. Everyone turned there attention to the two.

"I got detention." Peter looked down at his plate to avoid the disappointing stares.

"Did you deserve it?" Sam asked, which earned him a slap on the soldier from Bucky.

"What birdboy means is why?" Bucky corrected his totally-not-boyfriend.

"Flash was picking on me again! And when I told him to take his head out of his ass since it's not a good hat, I got in trouble!" He complained.

"You're being picked on at school?" Wanda asked softly since everyone else seemed to mad to ask.

"It's fine I can handle it, better then it being someone else." The youngest member of the team argued.

"That doesn't make it okay Pete!" Tony was fuming.

"Look I've got it handled don't worry about it!" He argued once again.

"I'm going to kill him." Nat all but growled.

"Where does this kid live?" Clint asked pulling out his bow.

"You can't kill him!" Peter yelled.

"Oh but I can." Loki pulled a knife, Thor took it from his brother.

"Man of spider does not want the puny mortal killed." Thor didn't want to upset the boy, Loki pulled out another knife.

Thor once again took it.

"There are worse things then death!" Loki pulled out another knife as Natasha nodded along.

"Where is he even getting these knives from?" Bruce complained as he took the knife this time.

"It's fine I can handle the stupid psa's they make us watch in detention it's fine guys," Peter glared at Steve when he said 'psa' which confused the others.

"Oh my god!" Steve gasped. "I know why you're mad at me!"

Peter rolled his eyes.

"What? Why?" Tony asked confused. Steve stared at Peter and slowly shook his head.

"Don't." Steve warned.

Peter stood up and turned his chair around, he sat back down and leaned on the back of the chair without breaking eye contact with his uncle.

"So you upset your nephew." Peter did his best impression of Steve. "The question is what are you going to do about it."

Steve looked horrified.

"Take it from a guy who's been frozen for seventy years." Peter paused. "The only way to be cool is to follow the rules."

The rest of the Avengers sat in shock for a moment before they started laughing. Steve still looked horrified and Peter was still glaring at him.

"What- What was that!" Tony asked still laughing.

"Oh?" Peter raises an eyebrow. "So they don't know?"

"Peter, don't." Steve warned again.

Peter kept his gaze as he spoke.

"Fri? Can you play caps psa's please."

"Of course mini-Boss." Friday replied before pulling the videos up on the screen.


The team spent the rest of the night watching them and making fun of their captain.

Loki would randomly turn into him and quote them to annoy the man.

They all thought they were hilarious, you could often find them playing throughout the tower. They would quote them in interviews as well which the younger audience particularly funny.

Steve has never regretted anything more.


This was a request so shout out to them!

Sorry it's so short but I wanted to upload a chapter!

Also I got tickets to be more chill in London!!! I'm so excited!

Anyway my bus is nearly at its stop so I gotta go but I hope you enjoyed it!

Stay safe my dudes!

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