The One Where He Explains That They Are Venom.

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This is a part 2 of The One Where They Are Venom. So go read that one first! Unless you just read it then you probably remember it.


The team plus Peter were sat around the debriefing room after Shield had picked them up.

Having spent the last hour explaining to Fury how all of Earths mightiest had gotten kidnapped had made them all irritable.

They were all staring at Peter when he began to stand up.

"So this has been fun bu-"

"Nope sit down."

"Okay." Peter quickly sat back in his seat like his dad had told him to do.

They sat in silence for a little longer when Peter decided to speak again.

"So." Peter drew out the 'o' as he wrung his hands. "How's everyone been."


"Yep." Peter snapped his mouth shut.

Do you want me to eat them and escape? The voice of Venom came from the back of his head.

Peter stayed quiet his family still staring.

Urgh fine do you want me to not eat them and escape.

Peter considered it for a moment before he saw his dad sigh slightly and shake his head.

"Why didn't you tell us Pete." Tony asked quietly. "Why didn't you tell me."

Didn't we already tell him this?

"It's like I said in the cell." Peter spoke softly still unable to keep his hands still. "I didn't want you to think I was a freak."

"Dude." Clint started. "You're literally half spider. You can stick to walls!"

"Yea I know I'm already a freak you don't need to point it out!" Peter rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Okay counter offer. I only eat Clint and escape.

"You can't eat any of them!" He yelled suddenly, scaring the others in the room.

They shared confused glances but decided to ignore it for the moment.

"Peter I don't think that's what Clint meant when he said you were already half spider." Bruce, always the voice of reason.

"No that's exactly what I meant." Clint ran a hand through his hair as the others glared at him. "But so am I. So is Bruce and Nat and Tony."

"And even the star spangled man with a plan is a freak." Nat smiles gently at him.

Steve looked a bit offended at first but quickly remembered they were trying to make the boy feel better.

"I think it makes people more interesting, the world would be a little boring if everyone was normal." Steve added.

"They're right underoos." Tony moved so he was leaning against the table next to where Peter was sat. "I hate to admit it but the are right."

Peter chuckled before looking up at his dad.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Peter spoke quietly as Tony ruffled his hair.

Venom is sorry too. He hissed as he grew out of Peters shoulder once again.

No one mentioned it if Clint rolled his seat away slightly.

"Uhh it's okay I guess?" Tony awkwardly patted the creatures head.

"What were you talking about when you said that he couldn't eat them all." Bruce asked once he remembered what the boy had said only moments ago.

Peter anxiously rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he most definitely picked up from Tony.

"Venom asked me if I wanted him to eat you all and escape."

They all moved away slightly this time.

"No don't worry!" Peter frantically waved his arms around to somehow convey his point. "He would never do it if I told him not too."

They nodded reluctantly but didn't make a move to go back to where they were.

"How did you get him." Bruce asked as he typed on a Stark pad, probably to take notes.

"Well it was a couple weeks after the spider bite  right and I was walking round Queens."


Peter kicked a can as he walked down the road, he was still getting used to his new powers so the can had gone flying.

He was trying to clear his head as all he was able to think about was watching his uncle bleed out in front of him.

All the blood. How red it was. Peter had never seen so much red.


Peter quickly snapped himself out of his thoughts before he had another panic attack.

"Don't think. Don't think." He muttered to himself over and over and over again.

He was concreting so much on his words that he had barely heard the rustling that was coming from the alleyway.

Pausing at the entrance of the alley, he had decided to investigate as if that wasn't how the majority of every scary movie ever started.

If he had died he would have had it coming.

As slowly made his way towards the sound, he saw a small black gooey thing eating a dead bird corpse.

"Ew a rat." Peter had to look away from the almost completely gone bird.

Ew a depressed bitch. The rat snarled back.

"What the fuck. What the fuck." Peter said in a high pitch voice. "What the fuck is happening."

Peter went to make a run for it when the rat, that was staring to look less and less like a rat,  moved towards him.

He was frozen in space as the thing started to climb his body. It went round and round him as if it was examining him. (Spoiler, he was).

The thing then dissolved into Peter as he watched in shock.


"And I don't know man, he just kind of stayed."  Peter finished, Venom sat like a cat curled up on his shoulder.

Now we are the bestest of buddies. Venom hissed without moving.

Peter shrugged shifting Venom slightly.

"I-" Tony started but cut himself off. "I don't know how to reply to that."

"He's a chill guy so I kinda just let him stay." Peter said nonchalantly. "Plus makes Spider-Manning easier. It's a win win."

"He gets a host body so that he doesn't die or have to return to his home planet that he betrayed and I don't have to do homework as my teacher saw Venom once and is now scared of me." Peter shrugged again causing Venom to hiss this time.

Can we get tater tots now?


A couple of y'all requested a part two so here ya go! I wasn't sure what to do for a part two but I hope you enjoy anyway!

I hope you all are well and are taking care of yourselves. Make sure you eat and drink water and remember that you are amazing!

If I find out any of you aren't doing this you are grounded!

Stay safe my dudes!

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