The One With The Funeral.

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Peter didn't cry at the funeral.

He didn't cry as he watched Pepper and Morgan walk out the house.

Or when they placed the arc reactor in the water.

He didn't cry as they all watched it float away along with whatever was left of Tony's spirit.

He didn't cry as Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey and Happy sat on the couch with Thor and Steve behind them and watched Tony's hologram talk.

He just stood in the corner, out of the way and watched with them, trying to ignore the fact that his father-figure was gone.

Trying to ignore that only three of the people at funeral not including May actually knew who he was and that he could see the looks the others gave him.

The kind of look that suggested he had no right to be there and no right to mourn because 'who the hell even is this kid'.

The looks that they weren't giving Harley since apparently they knew who he was and he was important enough for people to know.

Tony had told everyone about Harley, told them that he had helped him and that Tony was planning on giving him a job at Stark Industries.

But none of them even approached him as he sat in the edge of the lake, still not crying but mourning none the less.

May was giving him space, they had been through this before.

Too many times.

She left him to be alone and was off talking to Happy.

Everyone who had attended the funeral were outside too, all talking in hushed tones.

Peter could still hear them, of course he could but didn't bother too listen.

He was tired.

Too tired to listen and too tired to acknowledge the stares.

So he ignored them.

Ignoring them was easy, it was the same when his parents died and his uncle too.

Except this time it wasn't his uncle nor his parents.

This time it was someone he thought of as a dad but doubted he felt the same. This time it was someone who had an actual family.

Family who wasn't him.

These people knew Tony and they lived with him and they were his family.

Not Peter.

So maybe all the looks and the whispers were right and he really didn't have a right to mourn.

Hell he shouldn't even be here.

He had to get out of here.

He stood up and turned around so quickly that the other didn't have time to pretend they weren't starring.

Peter froze at all the eyes on him, he knew they were starring but being face to face with Earths mightiest hero's was not something he was prepared for.

"Kid-" One of them started to say, Peter wasn't sure which one. He was trying not to look at any of them.

"Don't call me that." He snapped, he didn't mean too but that's what-

That's what Tony used to call him.

He couldn't do this.

Not here.

He couldn't cry in front of all of these people.

All these hero's.

"I have to go." He muttered and ran off not noticing them calling for him to stop.

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