The One Where He Wears A Mask.

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This may have some triggering themes, I'm not one hundred percent sure what should be a trigger warning so just be careful when reading!

There is mentions of suicide and people dying so safe reading!


When asked why Spider-Man wore a mask he would give the same excuses.

'It's called a secret identity for a reason!'

'I don't want people to know who I am.'

'I'm not doing this to be famous.'

'I have people to protect.'

'If people saw how attractive I was criminals would stop crime all together and I'd have nothing to do.'

Sometime when a kid would ask, especially after he has just saved them, he would tell them the truth and admit that he was scared and didn't want people to know.

If asked, why Peter Parker wore a mask, he would say the same thing. That he was scared.

It doesn't matter that one mask is metaphorical.

The difference was, however that no body noticed that Peter was wearing a mask.

Not May. Not Ned. Not Mj.

No one knew.

He preferred it that way, I mean he was a superhero for God's sake, they can't know that he's struggling.

When May died the mask cracked for the first time since he had put it on.

For a slight moment you could see the pain in his eyes when he had told Mr Stark what had happened.

But he didn't cry. He refused to cry.

Tony of course was quick to let Peter move in with him and was shocked at the fact that he didn't cry.

He was prepared for yelling and screaming and crying. He was prepared for nightmares and no sleep and a billion other things.

He was not prepared for nothing.

Not once did Peter cry in front of Tony or ask for help. Although he was pretty sure he was crying in his room at night.

No, not pretty sure. He was one hundred percent sure.

Their rooms were across the hall from each other and he could hear the crying. If he tried to comfort him though, by the time he got to the door it was as if the crying never happened.

Peter would say he was fine and Tony would ask him if he was sure.

Peter being Peter would nod and Tony would tell him that if there's anything he needs or wants to talk about he can.

And then Peter would smile and nod and promise that he would.

What a fucking liar.

There was nothing Tony could do, he had asked Pepper on many occasions. Hell he even called Rhodey and asked what he did when Tony was like this.

They would both say the same thing. 'Make sure he knows that you are there for him and let him come to you on your own time.'

Tony was patient and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Peter appreciated it and he knew that Tony was there for him but part of him just couldn't tell him what was wrong.

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