The One With All The Fluff.

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It was a Wednesday afternoon so it was Steve's turn to pick up the kids.

He picked up Morgan first since her school day ended at three and Peters an Harleys school finishes at three thirty.

Once they arrived at the house Tony and him moved into before adopting Harley and Peter, it was in a secluded area and although it looked similar to Clint's farm house it was much more advanced.

Steve stopped the car and turned it off and before anyone could get out he spoke in a serious tone that quite honestly shocked the three kids.

"I need to talk to you all before we go inside."

He seemed serious as he got out, Harley looked back at Peter who shrugged.

Steve went around the car; opening the door and helping Morgan out of her car seat. Harley and Peter also got out and stood with the backs leaning against the car and waited for Steve to stand in front of them.

"Okay," Steve began, his tone still serious and Morgan rested on his hip."First one to hug dad wins."

His face split into a grin as he ran ahead of his sons, Morgan giggling along.

Peter gasped dramatically before he started laughing and running as well, Harley hot on his tail.

"How is this fair I don't have powers!" Harley yelled up the path.

"You're just a sore loser." Peter stuck his tongue out as he looked back.

Friday obviously saw them coming on the security camera so the door swung open just in time for them to make it to the door.

"Boss is in the kitchen." Friday voice came through the speakers.

Tony looked up as he heard running just in time for his husband and daughter to crash into him.

"Woah!" Tony laughed as he hugged them back. "What's this!"

No one had time to reply because soon enough Peter joined in the hug, almost knocking them all over with the speed he joined the hug.

"That... That was... an unfair... fight..." Harley said in between gasping breaths as he finally made it to the kitchen. He took another deep breath before giggling and joining the hug himself.

They hugged for a little while longer before pulling away.

"I won!" Steve stuck his tongue out at his kids as they sat down at the kitchen island.

"Won what?" Tony asked after kissing Steve's cheek.

"Who could hug you the fastest." Peter answered as he reached across the counter to grab an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite.

"Oh?" Tony raised an eyebrow as he stirred the coffee he had previously been making. "And what was the prize?"

Steve took a step closer to Tony and place his hands on the others hip, turning the smaller man to face him.

"I can think of a couple things." Steve smirked.

"Ew!" Harley yelled as he covered his eyes with his hands, Peter and Morgan joining in as well.

Tony and Steve laughed as they kissed, if was soft and full of love.

Harley faked gagged and they pulled away.

"Okay okay. We'll stop." Steve laughed again and faked surrendered as he stepped away from his husband.

"It's snack time kiddos. What do ya' want?" Tony leant on the counter with his elbows holding his mug so he could take a sip.


It was 2 in the morning when soft knocking on there bedroom door woke them up.

"Dad? Pops?" Peters soft voice spoke as he opened the door slightly.

"Yea?" Tony sat up slightly and flicked on the lamp that sat on the bedside table. "What's up underoos?"

"I Uh... Nevermind." Peter went to leave but before he could Steve stopped him.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Steve asked quietly as to not wake anyone else in the house.

Peter nodded in response, both Tony and Steve moved so there was room in between them and then Tony lifted the covers that Peter could get in the bed.

Without saying anything Peter climbed into the bed and snuggled between his dads. Tony wrapped an arm around him to give him comfort.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He mumbled. Peter shook his head.

"That's okay bear." Steve moves his hand sleepily to wipe a rogue tear of off his sons face. "You can tell us when you're ready."

"Okay." Peter said softly.

Just before they all drifted back to sleep another voice spoke.

"Is Petey okay?" Morgan said from the doorway, her stuffed bear held tightly to her chest, Peter must have woken her up when he woke up.

"I'm okay Mo." Peter opened his arms and Morgan quickly made her way across the room and into the bed as well. "Just a bad dream."

Peter wrapped Morgan in a hug with their dads either side of them.

"Well if everyone's sleeping in here." Harley said as he appeared in the doorway.

Steve moved back again, the bed being plenty big enough, so that Harley could fit between him and Morgan.

Once everyone was settled Tony turned the light back off and they all went back to sleep, surrounded by the people they loved most.


Surprisingly Tony was the first one awake, he sat up on one elbow and ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at his family all asleep in his bed.

It was nearly half seven so he knew they would need to wake up soon as to be late for school but he decided to let them sleep a little longer.

Steve was always an early riser, he was up a couple of minutes later.

"Hey." He whispered gently as he smiled at Tony across the three other people in his bed.

"Hey to you too." Tony spoke just as quietly. They stared at each other a little longer before they were interrupted.

"Peter stop kicking me." Harley mumble into the pillow.

"It's not me." Peter mumbled back, still half asleep.

Tony rolled his eyes fondly as the two started too bicker, Steve laughed softly, 'I love you.' He mouthed.

'I love you too.' He mouthed back, smiling like an idiot.

As soon as Morgan joined in the fighting he decided to put a stop to it.

"Okay! Up and at 'em kiddos." Tony kicked his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, preparing himself for the craziness that was their life.


Hey so although I have some requests to do I wanted to upload a fluffy oneshot of Superfamily!

I hope you enjoyed and I promise I will do the requests soon!

Y'all better be looking after yourselves! (Mentally and physically!!) I know I say that at the end of most chapters but I mean it!!

Stay safe my dudes!

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