The One Where He Calls Him Dad.

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Peter fucked up.

He well and truly fucked up.

No one has ever fucked up as much as Peter just fucked up.

Like imagine the worst you've ever fucked up then times it by a billion and then you'll be no where near the amount that Peter fucked up.

Okay, maybe he's being dramatic but Peter can never show his face anywhere ever again so he has every right to be dramatic.

It was an accident.

An accident that has potentially ruined Peters life but an accident none the less.

It was Wednesday, in the middle of October and Peter was at Stark Towers as he was every Wednesday and alternating weekends.

It was a lab-day, so him and Mr Stark were working on various different projects.

Peter had just finished his last bit of homework and was trying to make the liquid in his web-shooters more efficient and Tony was working on some weapons for the other Avengers.

They worked mainly in silence, working together effortlessly. They always seemed to know what the other needed and had past it to each other before the other could even asked.

(Steve, who had spent countless hours in the lab, sketching, working out or just watching, had often wondered if they could read each other's mind.

Or if they had just spent so much time together they were just always in sync.

But he couldn't deny that it was a privilege to watch. It was like a dance that they had spent hours choreographing).

They only really spoke when they were sharing ideas, but even then they would normally just point and the other would know exactly what they meant.

They always did.

"Hey Underoos, it's getting late. What do say about getting some dinner?" Tony asked, interrupting the peaceful environment.

It still shocked Peter (and Tony if he's honest) that Tony was always so responsible and parental around Peter.

He'd stopped drinking, got he sleeping patterns together and even turned up to places on time.

He was a completely new person.

And it was all because of Peter.

So when Peter replied with a "Sure dad." Tony's heart practically exploded.

It was no secret that Tony thought of Peter as a son. Everyone but them could see it.

"Holy shit." Peter exclaimed as soon as he processed what he said, panic covering his face. "Sir, I am so sorry I didn't mean to-"

Peter cut himself off.

"Aunt May is probably wondering where I am. I should go." Peter grabbed his homework and got up and made his way into the elevator to go get his bag from the common room.

Tony stood up and rushed to follow, after snapping out of his thoughts. He was so happy that Peter had called him dad that he hadn't had the chance to tell Peter it was okay before he was gone.

Tony decided to take the stairs, he ran up all of them and managed to get there just as Peter stepped out of the elevator.

"Pete!" Tony called.

He ignored Tony, grabbed his bag, shoved his homework in it, walked over to the closest window and jumped out of it.

Tony rushed to the window, and watched as he swung away with his web-shooters.

So yeah Peter fucked up.

"Tony what the hell was that?" Steve spoke from where him and the others had witnessed this whole thing go down on the sofa.

"He called me dad!" Tony beamed and when he turned around he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey, Mr Stark." Peter mumbled as he picked up the phone.

Tony had given him some time to cool down before calling him so they could talk.

"Hey kid." Tony replied. "How you doing?"

"I'm okay- look Mr Stark I wanted to apologise-" Peter began but was quickly cut off.

"Kid, listen to me." Tony waited for Peter to say 'okay' before continuing. "I don't mind that you called me dad. I love you like a son so if you wanted to continue calling me dad then I'd be completely okay with that."

Tony stopped for a second.

"I'm not trying to replace your dad or your uncle, or if you just don't want to, you don't have to call me dad. It's completely up to you bub but I want you to know..." Tony took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "That you are my son Peter."

Once Tony had finished Peter didn't say anything at first, Tony worried that he'd crossed the line, that Peter would hate him.

Peter could never hate anyone.

"You mean that?" Peter asked.

"Of course Underoos." Tony promised.

"I love you too.. dad." Peter replied, Tony smiled so fucking wide that he was worried his face would split in half.

"Now." Tony began to change the topic. "You gunna tell me about your crush on that Mj girl?"

"I don't have a crush on Mj!" Peter laughed through the phone, they both knew he was lying.

"Sure you don't. Is she pretty?"

"Yeah." Peter mumbled, face red with embarrassment. "But she's so much more then that ya' know?"

They continued to talk as Peter made his way back to the tower, where they two are dinner together and caught up on what they'd missed over the last couple days.

This is short and unedited but for once it's not angst so yay me!

I hope you enjoyed reading this!

I think I'm gunna watch some marvel movies later to get me back into the avengers since I haven't really been as obsessed with them as I used to be sooooo which ones should I watch?

Feel free to leave requests!

Make sure to drink water, eat some food and take your medication!

Also 249k reads!! Holy shit!! Thank you guys so much!! I love you all!!

Stay safe my dudes!

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