The One Where They Don't Know What To Say

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"Did you guys feel it?" Peter had asked at dinner.

All conversations stopped, you could hear a pin drop. They all turned slowly toward the teen who was sat next to Tony.

It had been a couple of days since everyone had came back from the snap, it had been tough but they had figured out a way to do it where no one had to die.

The Guardians had gone back to space the first chance they got, Bruce and Thor had New Asgard and T'Challa along with Shuri had quickly escaped back to Wakanda.

Strange and Wong didn't even stay long enough to say goodbye.

The rest however went back to the compound together, no one had really spoken about what happened and Peter...

He hadn't spoken at all.

Until now. He was starting to regret asking as his heart beat harder and harder in his chest, no one was answering and that was making his panic worse.

He wanted to take it back and go back to eating, he wanted everyone to go back to acting like nothing happened but it did happen.

Yet no one was talking about it and he needed to talk about it because he needed to know whether or not everyone had felt it.

He needed to know whether or not everyone felt their body getting ripped apart inch by inch. He needed to know if everyone had felt that pain.

It was killing him not knowing.

"Did we feel what Pete?" His dad asked softly, surprised at Peter talking at all.

How was he so calm? How could he ever be this calm when half the universe just came back from the dead.

How was able to be just as kind and caring as he had always been when people died, half of the people in this room had been dead and Tony was acting as if he was the crazy one!

Peter picked up the fork and pushed around he food on his mostly full plate.

He didn't dare to look at the curious faces that he knew were staring back at him.

"Being... Y'know dusted." He still couldn't find the power to look up but he could tell everyone was shocked at the question.

No one had expected that, they knew the question was going to be heavy since this was the first time he'd spoken after coming back but this was not what they had expected.

They had assumed that he would ask if they missed him or if getting them back had hurt or anything else but this...

This was not what they expected.

After no one had said anything Peter finally forced himself to look up at his family.

They were all glancing between each other as if they were having a conversation without words.

It wouldn't be a surprise if they were, they had all known each other a long time before Peter had turned up so they knew each other better then Peter could ever know them.

And yet he wanted so desperate to be that close to someone again. His whole body ached to be loved by someone like that again.

He knew his dad loved him, hell he wouldn't have adopted him if he didn't but that doesn't change the fact that Peter wasn't really apart of their family.

Most of them he had only met a couple days prior and he spent two years of the of the two and a half he had been Tony's son for dead.

No he wasn't apart of this family, not yet anyway, his family are six feet under.

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