The One Where He Is Sick.

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Peter hater being sick.

I mean no one likes being sick but Peter absolutely despises it.

He would have thought that once he got powers he wouldn't be able to get sick anymore however he was wrong.

Very, very wrong.

Instead of not getting sick, his powers make getting sick ten times worst. More often then not when Peter does get sick, which he has to admit is less likely now that he does have powers, he ends up having a sensory overload which normally cause a panic attack on top.

So no Peter doesn't just hate getting sick. He loathes it.

It doesn't help that because he is sick his dads won't let him go on patrol.


Peter was laying in his bed watching season eight of supernatural curled up into his dads side.

"How you feeling underoos?" Tony planted a kiss on top of Peter curls after he spoke making sure not to be louder then a whisper.

Supernatural was very quietly playing in the background, so quiet that they had to have the subtitles on just so Tony would know what was happening.

Peter waited for Dean to stop talking before answering.

"It hurts." He said it so quietly Tony wasn't sure if he had spoken at all.

"Your pops and papa should be done with the soup soon and then you can sleep, okay?" Tony wished he could do more to ease his sons pain.

Peter just nodded in response.

After watching Dean have another flashback about purgatory, Steve and Bucky as quietly as possible walked into the teenagers room.

Steve was carrying a bowl of soup on w tray while Bucky carried some water and medicine.

Tony helped Peter sit up as Steve and Bucky day on Peters left side.

Placing the tray over his sons lap Steve press a kiss to his temple as a way to comfort him.

"You need to take you medicine before you can eat мой маленький паук" Bucky said softly, while handing a tablet and the bottle of water to his husband, Steve.

Peter just weakly nodded as he took the medicine.

Leaning heavily against his pops shoulder Peter tried to lift the spoon so he could eat but after struggling for a minute Tony took the spoon from him.

"I got it baby." Tony shot a worried glance over to his husbands as he fed their son.

Peter only ate a couple of spoonfuls before he wouldn't open his mouth and kept wiggling to get away from the spoon as if it would bite him.

"Come on Petey just one more bite and then we'll stop." Steve soothed while rubbing Peters back since he had tears running down his face.

Peter still refused.

Sighing Steve shook his head sadly at Tony, who reluctantly put the spoon back in the bowl before Bucky moved the tray to the bedside table.

"How about we put on Disney movies and you can go to sleep, you'll feel so much better when you wake up." Bucky asked.

"Don't go." Peter cried softly.

"We would never leave you." Bucky replied as Tony quietly asked Jarvis to put on a random Disney movie.

"We'll be right here when you wake up." Steve added.

The family of four spent the rest of the night curled up in Peters bed watching movies while he slept.


Hey! So it's been a while huh?

Sorry I have uploaded in a while but college work has been kicking my arse!

This one was a request so shout out to them! It's a short one but you requested it a while ago so I thought I should do it!

I added some stuckony since I've read a couple stories with them in and I thought it was cute!

Anyway I hope y'all are good and feel free to leave requests!

Stay safe my dudes!

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