The One With The Phone Call.

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Trigger warning mentions of suicide.


Peter and the Avengers were sat around the table eating dinner. Peter, Tony and Bruce were talking about science while Rhodey, Steve, Vision and Thor were talking about battle strategy's.

Bucky and Sam were flirting if the blush on Bucky's face was anything to go off of. Nat, Pepper, Wanda and Loki were talking about how to kill someone in heels while Scott and Clint were talking about the dad squad ™.

Everything was calm for once, Peter was taking a bite of his food when his phone went off .

Hump me! Fuck me! Daddy better make me choke.

Peter spat out the food in his mouth as the others looked at him, shocked at his ring tone.

Hump me! Fuck me! My tunnel love a deep throat-

He scramble to pull his phone out his pocket, his face scarlet red as he stood up and walked away from the table while he answered.

"Wade! When did you change that! You know that I'm eating din-" a choked sob from the other side of the phone cut him off.

"Wade? Baby? What's wrong? Are you okay?" This confused the rest of the Avengers who was he talking to?

They all looked towards Tony to see if he knew but he looked just as confused. They didn't hear the next bit of the conversation but didn't turn there attention away.

"It's okay Wade, I promise. You can shoot yourself and I'll be there when you wake up." Peter began walking towards the door tears running down his face. "Put on one of my hoodies and you can do it, the voices will be gone and I'll be there."

Peter pulled the phone away from his ear and turned his attention towards the group. "I need to borrow a car."

Tony chucked him the keys that were in his pockets. "Is everything okay underoos?"

"I'll explain when I get back, start movie night without me okay?" Peter put the phone back to his ear and ran into the elevator. "I'm on my way baby."


Most of the team were scattered around the sofas watching a movie. Pepper had gone back to work, Wanda and Vision as well as Thor and Bruce has gone to bed. Scott had gone home to see his daughter.

They had asked to be updated on the situation in the morning.

All of their minds were on the youngest member of the team.

There thoughts were interrupted by the elevator opening.

Peter walked in with a slightly taller male, the stranger had his hood up and was clinging to Peter.

As they got closer to the sofas they could hear the man whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over, every time he said it Peter would squeeze his hand and tell him that it was okay.

The two walked over to the only open space on the sofa between Tony and Nat. Tony sat next to his father figure and pulled the stranger so that his head was on Peters lap.

The man pushed himself so his face was squished up against the others stomach and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Peter kissed the top of his head and whispered.

"It's okay baby go to sleep I'm right here." He noticed the group giving him questioning looks, he just shook his head sadly.


The team waited until they were sure the stranger was asleep before they began to ask questions.

"Peter who is this?" Tony asked gently, he could tell his- the kid was distressed.

"Wade." Peter whispered running his hand through what little hair his boyfriend had.

"Who is he to you ребенок паук?" Nat asked.

"My boyfriend." Peter never took his eyes off of the other teenager.

"You have a boyfriend? Since when?" Tony asked.

"Couple months." Was all the reply he got.

"You said something about him shooting him self?" Rhodey asked worried about the boys in front of him.

"Yea he has powers, he immortal." Peter said.

"Why did he want to shoot himself then?" Tony spoke again, the rest not wanting to upset the teen stayed quite as they knew that his unofficial dad was the only one who could keep him calm.

"His boxes were being to loud." His voice was still quite as if he was trying not to cry.


"Yea, there basically voices and sometime they won't shut up. The only way to get them to stop is to shoot them." He paused for a second. "I asked him to stop killing when we started dating and he always calls me when they get bad but this time they were to much for him to handle."

"What do you mean killing Pete?" Loki asked this time.

"He's Deadpool."

"The merc with a mouth?" Clint who had surprisingly been quite up until this point asked.

Peter nodded.

"Oh yea me and Stevey have worked with him a couple times on missions, didn't know he was so young." Bucky said.

"Seems like a nice kid, talks a lot though." Steve added.

"Oh yea I met him once! Cool guy." Sam kept his word quite.

Everyone stopped talking when Wade started to wake up.

"Hey baby boy." Wade sleepily said, turning so he could see his boyfriends face.

"Hey to you to." Peter smiled lovingly at the boy still laying in his lap. "How's your weather today?"

Both boys understood that he was really asking if Wade was okay.

"Cloudy with promises of sunshine." Wade leaned up to kiss the younger boy. Bad but I'll be okay soon. "I love you Petey."

"I love you too." Wade swore he had never been happier then when he heard those words.

"Can Wade spend the night I don't want him to be alone." Peter looked at his 'mentor' with his best puppy dog eyes.

"Of course Bambino." Tony said softly.

"Come on Wade lets get you back to bed." Peter stood up, hand in hand with Wade and pulled him out of the room.

He quickly popped his head back through the door to wish everyone a good night which were returned.


When they all, apart from Wade and Peter, woke up the next morning and where eating breakfast they updated those who left on what happened.

Eventually the two teens stumbled tiredly into the kitchen, still holding hands, they introduced Wade properly and was given multiple 'if you hurt him I'll kill you!' talks.

He promised them that if he hurt Peter that he would be the first one to kill him.


This is slightly shorter then what I normally write.

I wasn't sure where to take this so the ending is rubbish. I had the idea a while ago and wanted to write it.

A couple of bits are inspired by other oneshots that I've read. (For example the 'hows your weather?' Was from a fic I read a couple weeks ago, I can't remember what it's called tho).

I always put the whole team in the story but I can never make everyone speak which is why someone always has to leave halfway through since I never know how to include them lol.

It's normally Wanda and Vision as I don't know a lot about them.

Also this is like the 4th upload in 2 days I'm practically a new person lmao.

Stay safe my dudes!

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