The One Where They Are Venom.

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Having a symbiotic alien creature who had somehow attached itself to Peter was probably something he should have mentioned to the Avengers.

And sure maybe, when they asked if he had any other powers or such that they should know about he probably shouldn't have said no.

And maybe he should have told them after he was adopted by Tony and Pepper.

But he didn't.

Because, and this may surprise you to know, Peter hasn't got this little thing called common sense.

Spidey sense, yes. Common sense, no.


It was like every other day in the lives of the Avenger expect it was nothing like that and they had all been kidnapped.

"We seem to be in a sticky situation." Peter joked once everyone was awake.

Everyone being the original six plus Peter.

They were in what looked to be a cell all chained up by their hands feet dangling slightly above the ground.

Anyone with powers had a collar on that stopped them.

Peter knew this because he couldn't see anything and for the first time in years he couldn't hear everyone's heart beats.

It was unsettling.

He was also struggling to breath since his asthma has made a comeback.

Glancing over at Steve, Peter noticed that all it did to him was block his super strength.

How was that fair?

"Nows not the time for jokes Peter." Tony said seriously as he tried to get out of his cuffs.

Can I eat him? Venom asked. Peter ignored him, no one else could hear venom so it'd be weird if he answered.

"Now is the perfect time for jokes." Peter took a breath. "Because I am freaking out!"

"We'll be fine man of spiders!" Thor was also trying to break the cuff but since the collar stopped super strength he wasn't having much luck.

"Yea I know that but," Peter knew he was breathing heavily and was trying to calm it. "I can't see and I can't hear your heart beats anymore. Oh and my asthma is back!"

I can break us out you know that right.

"What?" Clint asked, he seemed quite content just hanging there.

"The spider bite made my sight and hearing better, it also healed my asthma but this collar is blocking that so I'm freaking out man!" Peter was still trying to wiggle out of the cuffs.

Stop panicking I will handle this.

"Don't you dare do anything." Peter hissed under his breath.

"We are trying to get out Pete why would we stop?" Nat gave him a look that Peter couldn't read.

He must of spoken louder then he thought because everyone was staring at him now.

"I wasn't talking to you guys." Peters breath caught in his throat.

"Then who were you talking to kid?" Tony was watching his son carefully.

"Shouldn't we be trying to escape." He tried to deflect the question.

"We'll just have to wait for shield. There's no way out." Steve pulled at the chains once more.

"So answer the question." Tony added.

"You'll be mad." Peter whispered. At least he thinks he did.

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