The One Where He's Not On The Trip.

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It wasn't that Peter was dumb because he wasn't. Anyone who has met him could tell you that he was the smartest person they had ever met, and that included Tony.

Its just that sometimes he was forgetful. 

So if he had maybe forgotten about a certain field trip to a certain tower then was he really to blame?


"Where do you think you're going?" Tony asked as he sipped his coffee, he was leaning against the kitchen counter after he had obviously just woken up. 

Peter turned to face his dad, guilt covering his face. 

"School?" It wasn't a lie, he was going to school. It was just that he was supposed to be in bed. 

"Pete we talked about this." Tony sighed. "You're sick underoos, its only one day."

"I know, its just if I don't go I'm not allowed on patrol and I'll miss stuff in lessons." Peter pouted. "Plus I'm pretty sure something important is happening today and I can't miss it!" 

Tony sighed again and took a sip of his coffee. 

"You and I both know you are already way ahead of anything your teachers can teach you." He ran a hand through his hair. "Tell you what, you take the day off and we'll spend the day in the lab together." 

Peter took a moment to think about it before nodding enthusiastically.

"Okay calm down kid." Tony chuckled. "Go put on some comfy clothes and meet me in the lab."

Peter quickly hugged his dad and ran off towards his bedroom to get changed.

"Oh and if you see your pops on the way don't tell him!" Tony yelled after him before muttering to himself. "He'll kill me if he finds out we spent all day in the lab. Again."  


The pair had proceeded to spend the next couple of hours in the lab, working on everything and anything from their suits to which real alcohol would make the best alcohol marker (Tony did not drink any and they threw out all the drinks as soon as they were done).   

At some point during all of this Peter had fallen asleep curled up on Tony's lap which Tony was proud to say was his plan all along.

He knew Peter working in the lab would tire him out and he would fall asleep, getting the rest he needed to get better. What he didn't plan was for him to fall asleep in his lap.

He wasn't even sure how it happened.

And as much as he wanted too, Tony wasn't able to stop working. He was having to do as much as he could without waking the sleeping teen. 

"Boss, the scheduled tour group is outside." The voice of Friday flooded through the various speakers in the room. "Should I let them in?"

"Yea, but make sure they are quiet." Tony spoke quietly. 

He heard Friday tell them to be quiet as the tour guide led the teenagers in. They were all shocked to find a teenager sleeping in thee Tony Stark's lap.

"Hey." Tony kept his voice quiet. "Thanks for being quiet. My sons sick at the moment and this was the only was I could get him to sleep." 

Peters face was tucked into his chest so no one could see who he was, but they were shocked at finding out that Ironman had a son.

"This is a Q and A right?" Tony asked, the tour guide nodded. "So ask away. But quietly."

The group asked a couple of questions mostly about science and the Avengers but a couple were brave enough to ask about the boy in his lap. Tony just skipped those ones. 

Half way through answering a question about how the Ironman suit works, Peter started to wake up and  Tony lost all interest in everyone else in the room.

"Hey Petey." Tony whispered. "How ya feelin'?" 

"Dad?" He mumbled, he moved his body enough that everyone in the room could see that nerdy Peter Parker was the one who had been curled up asleep in Tony's lap. Everyone was too shocked to say anything.  " 'm good."

"I'm going to get your pops to come get you so you guys can start movie night while I finish up here." Tony had texted his husband the minute the class showed up so he should be here any minute. 

"Okay." Peter mumbled before yawning loudly. 

A couple of seconds later there was a knock on the door and in walked Captain America.  

"Tones?" Steve walked through the crowd of students that were still stood by the door. 

"Hey." Tony smiled at the taller man. "Do you mind taking him upstairs?" 

Steve leaned down and kissed his husband with a smile on his face. They both chuckled when Peter mumbled  'Aw come on man. Right in front of my salad!'

"Okay bear. Lets get you back to bed." Steve chuckled again as he picked up his son and carried him back through the crowd of students. 

Just before the door closed behind them a yell was heard.

"Wait was that my class!?"


Okay so this one was a bit shit but I hope you liked it anyway.

It was also pretty short. 

I was thinking about making another oneshot book but for like the Avengers (so then this one would stay purely Spidey related) or maybe a supernatural one. I was also thinking about doing an It one (mainly Reddie). 

I wouldn't update those ones as much as this one but lemme know if you would want any of those.

On the topic of supernatural, does anyone know where I could watch season 14 in the UK (preferably for free but any suggestions are welcome). 

Anyway let me know I guess.

Stay safe my dudes!

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