The One Where He's Bi.

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This isn't a Spidey one shot (although Peter is in it!), it's is a Steve centric story with a side of Stucky so feel free to skip if you don't like it!


It wasn't as if Steve knew he was in love with Bucky when they were younger, back before the war and before Captain America.

He had always assumed that everyone thought of Bucky like that.

That everyone looked at Bucky and thought he was prettiest person in the room, way prettier then the dames that Buck was flirting with.

He'd never even considered for a moment that the way he felt about Bucky wasn't normal.

Then Bucky fell off of the train and it was like a part of Steve's soul had been crushed and thrown away.

For the first time Steve thought that maybe he did like Bucky a little more then he was supposed to.  A little more then was acceptable.

He liked Bucky the same way he liked Peggy.

But then again Steve's pretty sure everyone likes Peggy that way, just like he was pretty sure everyone thought of Bucky that way.

He had been wrong. Most guys didn't think about what Bucky would look like naked and most girls didn't think about how soft Peggy's lips were and Steve was almost positive no one thought about both of those things simultaneously.

So Steve did everything in his power to push these things down. Ignore them both as best he could and eventually crash a plane into the ocean to avoid ever having to deal with them.

That was fine, problem solved until he woke up seventy years later and now not only was he stuck thinking about Bucky naked and Peggy's lips, he had to try and ignore Tony's ass and Natasha's arms and the fact that Thor could probably crush him with those muscles of his and he was more then willing to let that happen.

So yea, if Steve has know he was in love with Bucky back before all of this, he probably would have flung himself off of the nearest cliff.


When Bucky turned up in the twenty-first century decked out with a new arm, long hair and terrible makeup Steve really didn't know what to think.

He had finally grown used to the fact that everyone he knew was dead and then the person that matters most to him turns up, trying to stab him with no recollection of who he was.

It was a lot, too much for Steve to even try to sort out in his brain but then Tony offers to help find him and Steve's sobbing in his lab while Tony tries to comfort him as best he can but Steve is 240 pounds of pure muscle and Tony's 5 foot 8 so it's a mess.

They make it work and once Steve has finally stopped crying (they both promise to never talk about it, Nat probably already knows even if she never mentions it) they start working on finding Bucky.

And they do find him. Eventually.

With the help of Sam who Steve met on his run. He flirted badly, he doesn't think Sam even knew he was flirting.

He added Sams back and shoulders muscles to the list of things he was trying desperately to ignore.

But Sams funny and he's good at what he does so he joins the Avengers, keeps an eye on Bucky while he in the Cryostasis Chamber and Steve has to go on missions with the others.

Tony gets a personal intern, he helps Tony in the lab. Steve's pretty sure he's heard Tony call him Spider-Man on multiple occasions, it's not his business so he ignores it.

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