The One Where They Are Late Home.

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Okay I know this is a Spider-Man oneshot book but this is another one without him. I promise I'll write a spidey one soon!

This is a oneshot for Steve x Sam x Bucky x Rhodey x Tony so if you don't like this ship feel free to skip!

Also there are mentions of panic attacks so be safe while reading!


Three days.

They were supposed to be back three fucking days ago.

It sucked when one of them had to go off on a mission, Tony would worry beyond belief but when all four of them were gone?

It was agony.

It was fine at first, he would just lock himself in his lab and eat whatever food someone else in the tower would bring him, counting down the days until they would be back.

Occasionally he would try to sleep but without his soldier boys with him, the nightmares would be too much to handle and he'd end up back in the lab so by the fourth day of them being gone he gave up on trying to sleep.

On the sixth day was normally when he would start taking better care of himself, he still wouldn't sleep but he would eat properly and shower.

They were coming back the next day and he wouldn't want them to be disappointed that he didn't at least pretend to look after himself.

After showering he would check on the rest of the team, the ones that were home anyway, see if they needed anything and check to see who was actually staying here at the moment.

Some were on missions and some had other places they would occasionally stay.

By the time he'd made his way back to the lab he'd already forgotten who was in the tower and who wasn't.

It didn't particularly matter though because the people he wanted weren't in the tower and that was all he could focus on.

He would try and sleep that night, especially since he didn't know what time they were supposed to come home, if it was early in the morning and he wasn't in bed they would worry.

He hated worrying them.

He slept in one of Sams T-shirts with Rhodey's MIT jumper over the top and a pair of either Bucky's or Steve's jogging bottoms, he couldn't remember who's they were at this point since they both had worn them at some point or another.

Sleeping in their clothes helped dull the nightmares enough for him to sleep through the night.

Then came the seventh day of them being gone and Tony was excited. They were supposed to come home, they promised they would.

They didn't.

They still weren't home on the eighth day.

And now Tony was worried, he called Fury probably a thousand times before noon but he wouldn't tell him anything.

So of course Tony hacked Shield to find out where they were, he didn't care if Fury had told him a hundred time that it was 'classified' he needed to know they were okay.

He missed them and he didn't know what he would do without them so 'goddammit Jarvis I don't care how many laws you have to break find them!'

He didn't find them, Fury must have know he would go snooping and never put the mission in the data base, Tony had never hated him more then he did in that moment.

Day nine was worse then day eight, day eight you can argue that maybe it was too late for them to come home or that they were just finishing up but day nine mean that somethings gone wrong.

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