The One Where He's Taken To The Raft.

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Trigger Warning. It mentions Skip Westcott but doesn't go into detail about what he did. 


Peter was on his way home from school, he unfortunately had to take the subway since Happy was ill. Of course he didn't mind he had told his dad, the Tony Stark, the he would be fine walking to the subway and riding it.His dad had reluctantly agreed after Pepper had told him he had to meet General Ross to talk about the accords so that all the ex-avengers could come home. 

But of course good ol'Parker luck™ had  to join the party, even though technically he was a Stark now after May had died and Tony adopted Peter, he couldn't get rid of the Parker luck™.

So here he was walking down the street when his spidey sense started screaming at him that he was in danger. He pulled out his phone and told Wade that they have a date today. It's there code for danger!

 Peter looked around but couldn't see anyone, he slipped into the closest alley to change into his suit. Before he had a chance to even open his bag someone had inject something into his neck and his world went black.


Peter woke up on what he would assume was hours later, he looked at his surroundings and noticed he was in a cell that had a glass wall. He checked for injuries but found none the only difference was he was in different clothes which made him slightly uncomfortable that someone had changed him, and the fact that  he had a big metal collar around his neck.

"Hey kid." A voice from another cell said, Peter got up from the bed he had been laying and walked over to the glass wall he was in a room that had about eight cells in a semi-circle the rest of the room was empty.

He looked at the people in the cells in them were, Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Falcon, Scarlet Witch and who peter assumed to be Ant-man. The last cell which was opposite him as he was on the end was empty.

Peter scanned each person and noticed that only the people who had powers had a collar. Huh he guessed that they block powers.

"Hey kid." The voice repeated, after looking Peter found out that is was Cap that spoke. "Do you know why you're here?" Peter decided to stay quiet he wasn't about to tell the people who tried to kill his dad who he was.

"Uhh okay. Anyway I'm Steve, that's Bucky, Clint, Sam, Wanda and Scott." Captai- Steve  said as he pointed to each person in turn.

"What's you name kid?" Clint asked, his dad instinct kicking in. Peter stayed quiet once again his face staying neutral. "Why do you have a collar on? Only people with super strength or magic get those." 

Peter lips slightly twitched trying to form a smile at the revelation that he was right, but he forced himself to not show any emotion.

Before anyone else could speak Peter turned on his heels and walked back over to the questionable bed and sat as far in the corner as he could.

Although the collar stopped his strength it left the rest of his powers fine, he could still hear, see, smell everything. he could tell his spidey sense was still working because it was warning him to be alert.

He tested to see if he could still stick to stuff by putting his hand against the wall. He smiled slightly when his hand stuck.


It had been another couple of hours, the Rouge Avengers had stopped trying to speak to him after he had ignored them for an hour, when a couple of guards walked in with someone else they were forcing him into the cell.

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