The One Where He Has Moved On.

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The Ex-Avengers expected a lot of things when they returned from being on the run. 

They expected for the  penthouse to be trashed covered in empty alcohol bottles as well as empty food wrappers, and half naked strangers to be laying blacked out on the floor.

They even expected for it to look as though it had been abandoned completely, they expected Tony to not have left his lab at all. 

They expected a lot of things. They expected a lot of bad and untrue things. 

But in their defense the Ex-Avengers are fucking idiots. 

Out of all of the things they had expected once those elevator doors opened singing was not one of them.


Steve stepped out of the elevator with Sam, Clint, Bucky, Wanda and Natasha (Scott had decided to go home) in tow to the sound of someone softly singing. They shared confused look as they stood out side of the now closed doors.

"Hey Jude," The voice sang. "don't make it bad."

They made their way further into the room.

"Take a sad song and make it better." 

The group rounded the corner, trying to stay quiet as not to disturb the person singing.

"Remember to let her into your heart."

They stopped short when they saw Tony gently rocking a baby to sleep as he slowly walked around the room.

"Then you can start to make it better."

To say they were shocked would be an understatement.

"Hey Jude," Tony started the second verse. He was picking up the toys that covered the very messy living room as he went. "don't be afraid."

"You were made to go out and get her." 

Tony went to go and sing the next line but stopped when he noticed the audience. 

"Oh hey guys." He spoke softly as to not wake the sleeping baby. "Thought you were coming tomorrow."

"The flight got in early." Sam answered, Steve wanted to answer but he was still shocked that his ex-husband now had a kid.

"We hope that's okay." Natasha added.

"Yea, sorry about the mess." Tony was still picking up random toys and putting them away. "Petey here has been sick the last couple of days so everythings been a bit hectic."

Truth be told even if he should be Tony wasn't angry. Not anymore. He was very angry to begin with but over time he had gotten over it, he had even forgiven Bucky. 

"Look Ton-" Steve began before being interrupted. 

"Stop." Tony said his voice still quiet but louder then before. " It's okay."

They stared at each other for a moment, Steve looked as if he was going to protest but he wasn't given the chance.

"It's okay." Tony repeated. "I was mad for a long time. A very long time but then I realized that we were all doing what we thought was right. I can't blame you for that." 

He paused to collect his thoughts. 

"I loved you, more then I had ever loved anyone." Tony continued as he looked at Steve, he sat down when Peter started to fuss so that he could change his position. "But if you didn't do what you did, I wouldn't have what I have now. So yea it's okay. I forgive you."

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