The One Where He Comes Back.

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This is part two of the one where Peter's is gone so you might want to go read that before you read this!

For the next couple of weeks the team had found a lot of the 'Old Man' Protocols. Most of them were for simple things like reminding Tony to eat and sleep, a couple helped in battle as well. For example the old man bifocals protocol was for when he needed to zoom in to see something.

They were all a lot shorter then the first one, normally just a quick explanation and then the video was gone.

At first Tony loved when each protocol happened because he knew each one came with a video of Peter. No one mentioned it if Tony cried everytime one of the videos would pop up.

The rest of the team had ended up looking forward to them just as much and even if they had never met the kid they had adopted him as their nephew. They were also hoping to be able to see Tony act like a dad again unfortunately he hadn't been in any more since the first one.

But no matter how many videos there were none of them were Peter and god that hurt having to see him without being able be with him.

So eventually Tony did everything he could to avoid the protocols because it was killing him having to see his son so alive when he knew he wasn't. I mean sure Tony was fine physically but he didn't know how many more of the videos he could handle.


It was mid day and all of the survivors were gathered around the common room. They had been working so hard to get everyone back, especially Tony the most they had seen him was when he was passing them to get coffee, that Steve deemed it necessary to have a relaxing day.

They were watching some movie Steve had yet to see, when it suddenly turned off. Everyone was confused for a while before a familiar face popped up on the screen.

It had been a couple of months since the last video so they had assumed they had seen them all. The last one being on Christmas about five months ago. Everyone turned their attention to Tony who had started muttering to himself.

"Please, please not today Pete." Scott looked around to see if he had missed something being new and all but it seemed as if no one knew what was so special about today.

"I know you are probably sick of all the protocols and the videos." Peter rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, he was sat on his bed similar to all the other videos except this time his was wearing one of Tony's old MIT jumpers. Everyone guessed he had filmed this on a different day to the others. "Especially since I'm probably gone and you blame you're self so maybe all the videos weren't a good idea. Oh my god I'm sorry for making you put up with these but its to late to get rid of them I made Friday promise not to get rid of the-"

"I'm rambling."

This earned a chuckle from the team. Tony had mention once that he rambled a lot.

"So yea I'm sorry for all the videos, this is the last one. But this one is the most important I swear! Did I say that in the first one?" Peter looked to be thinking for a minute before he shook his head. "They are both equally important!"

Tony knew what was coming, he knew what this video was about. He was glad no one else seemed to know. Nat gave him a look as if she was trying to find out what he was thinking.

Tony looked at Rhodey who was looking back at him. Tony didn't know whether to be thankful or annoyed by the sympathetic look on his face.

"This one is because...." Peter gave a dramatic pause. "It's your birthday! I know that only me, Pepper and Rhodey know it's your birthday so I thought I should get you something!"

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