The One Where He Has Scars.

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Trigger Warning, mentions of torture so safe reading!


Peter was used to seeing scars. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra.

He used to think everyone had scars and they did.

Until he left hydra.

The first thing he noticed as he was limping through some country he doesn't remember the name of is how blank everyone's skin was.

He was used to everyone being covered in scars, all of his handlers and the other agents had scars.

He thought everyone had scars.

In some sick way he even liked having scars.

They told a story. Told people who he was, what he had survived. 

Blank skin was not something he was used top. I mean sure they still had one or two but no where near as many as him.

Peter was quick to learn that scars were ugly.

That they made him ugly.

So when he was adopted by the Tony Stark, he made sure no one would see them. He didn't want the stares and the whispers and the mean things people said about them. 

A fresh start. 

Kind of like a re-used canvas but if you look close enough you can still see the previous painting.


Peter woke up with a groan, a load alarm blaring in his ear. He hit the alarm to turn it off and turned back over.

"Come on Underoos, its training day." Came his dad's voice from the doorway.

"Go awa-" Peter cut himself off and very quickly sat up right. "Training day?"

Tony nodded, smirking slightly. He knew how much Peter loved training day.

He chuckled to himself as Peter began rushing around the room to get ready.

"Breakfast will be ready in 5." Tony chuckled once again as he turned and left after he watched Peter trip again.

Ten minutes later Peter was sat around the table with his family, stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Slow down kid or you'll choke." Sam laughed lightly at his nephew.

Peter blushed at all the attention he was getting before swallowing his food quickly.

"Sorry, Sir I'm used to eating quick or not eating at all." That wasn't a complete lie, it was eat quick, be done in time for training five minutes later or be punished.

But they didn't know about being in hydra so they didn't need to know that.

"You've been living here for 6 months dude you can stop with the formal names!" Clint exclaimed causing Peter to flinch. He hoped no one had notice but of course Natasha noticed.

"Sorry Si- Sorry." Peter put his head down slightly expecting a hit however at the same time knowing no one here would punish him.

"It's okay Peter." Nat smiled kindly at him, she knew he had a rough  past but none of them knew exactly what happened.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Steve spoke.

"Is everyone ready for training?"

Everyone nodded.

"Pete you sure you won't get to hot in that?" Tony said trying to hide his concern but failing.

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