The One Where They Need a Safe House.

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The avengers were all sat on the Quinjet after a especially hard mission, they were all pretty badly beat up. They had failed to capture the guy and he got away, everyone was annoyed and tired. They just  wanted to go home and sleep it off. 

Almost the whole team was there, except Wanda and Vision who were on their honeymoon which Tony paid for, and Rhodey who was off on some other mission with a woman named Carol that the rest had yet to meet. Thor and Bruce were at new Asgard making sure everyone was okay.

"Well we can't go back to the tower." Bucky spoke up while leaning his head on Sam's shoulder. 

"Buckys right he knows that we all live there, we need somewhere off grid." Natasha replied from the drivers seat.

"What about Clint's farm?" Sam asked while checking Bucky for injuries, who's head was still on his shoulder making it difficult.

"Yea that's a no can do green bean." Clint lifted his head from where it was laying on Pietro's lap. "Laura's still mad about the whole 'being gay and leaving her for the man we named our kid after' thing." 

Peter who had been quiet this whole time looked up from where he was stitching up Tony's arm, they made eye contact as if having a conversation without any words.

"Are you sure Pete?" Tony asked, Peter gave him a reassuring smile and turned to the rest of the group.

"Are you sure about what?" Steve walked in after being on the phone to Fury trying to explain what happened.

"I might have somewhere we can go." Peter finished the final stitch on Tony's arm and made his way to the front of the jet. "It'll take awhile and it isn't in any database so I'll have to drive."

Peter sat in the drivers seat after Nat had gotten up, he started typing in coordinates when Steve spoke.

"Is it safe?"

"The only people who know it exists are dad and me, not even Nat knows it exists." Peter replied. "So trust me when I say it's safe."

"Underoos are you sure? We can find somewhere else." Tony looked worried which confused the team, the only thing he ever worried about was Peter.

Peter rolled his eyes at his dads pointless worry. "Don't worry it'll be fine I was mean't to go there after this mission anyway and as long as no one tells SHIELD where it is then I'm fine with everyone going."

"Don't worry we won't tell anyone." Steve smiled reassuringly.

"You guys might want to get some sleep it'll be a couple hours until we get there." 


After a very long flight Peter had landed the Quinjet and began to wake everyone up.

"We're here." He gently shook the last person awake. 

The team followed him out the back of the plane, they were greeted by a house similar to the one on Clint's farm but this one was slightly bigger and more run down. They all stopped to look at the house.

"Guys hurry up!" Peter was practically bouncing with excitement and so was Tony. They were lead by the excited pair to the front door.

Peter pulled out the key and unlocked the door, he stepped in the house followed by the rest of the Avengers.

"I'm home!" Peter yelled the smile never leaving his face, they heard a loud gasped which was accompanied by a river of crashes.

"Babyboy!" A man who looked to be around 25, he could have only been one or two years older then Peter, came running into the room and straight into Peters arms. Peter kissed the man with the smile still on his lips.

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