The One Where They Are Secret Husbands.

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Hey! This one isn't Spidey related, it focuses on the ship WinterFalcon so feel free to skip this one as I know this ship isn't everyone's cup of tea!


Bucky and Sam were sat in Buckys room, one of two room in the tower that no one dares enter unless given permission and even then they are still cautious when entering. (The other room being Natasha's.)

Sam was laying on the bed, back against the headboard while playing with Bucky's hair who was happily sat between his legs. They had started dating after what the media had dubbed 'Civil War', at first they argued a lot but when you're on the run and are being hunted by people who want to arrest you, you start to get irritable.

They eventually started getting along, they went from barely being able to be in the same room to rarely ever being apart. Then feelings got involved and things just went from there.

At first they had decided not to tell the others, they didn't think the time was right and they didn't know how long they would last, so they thought it was best to keep it to themselves.

A year after they got together and two after the war the rouge avengers were allowed back and the avengers were reformed. Although tensions were still high, they thought telling everyone would just add to the stress so once again they kept it to themselves.

Even after they had snuck away during a mission in Las Vegas and gotten married they still didn't tell anyone at this point they were just so use to hiding it they didn't even think about telling them.

"Hey Sammy," Bucky began looking up at his husband, his metal hand subconsciously fiddling with the ring hanging from the necklace he was wearing. "You should officially move into my room."

Sam looked at him with nothing but love and kissed his cheek. The couple still had separate rooms so that the others wouldn't be suspicious, most nights though Sam would sneak into Bucky's room since no one else on the team was allowed to enter, not even Steve was allowed.

Sam would then sneak out before him and Steve went on their daily runs, he had to admit that he was getting a bit tired of having to wake up at 5 so that no one would see him leave.

"Don't you think people would notice that my room is empty and wonder where I've been sleeping." Sam replied.

"What if we tell them about us?" Bucky sat up which earned a displeased sound from the other man who was happily running his hands through Bucky's hair. "I'm sick off not being able to wake up to you."

"Jamie, are you sure?" Sam looked into his to make sure there wasn't an ounce of doubt. "You know that I want you to be happy."

"I'm sure." Sam smiled and pulled Bucky back into his lap, leaving a kiss on the back of his neck.

"Okay, how about we mess with them first?" Sam chuckled at the confused face Bucky made, "What I mean is, we don't just straight out tell them."

"You mean we leave hints?" Bucky asked letting out a sigh of content as Sam began to run his hands through his hair again.

"Yea like I'll wear my ring on my hand instead of the necklace stuff like that." Sam kissed Buckys head once he had finished speaking.

"Okay." Bucky smiled. "I love you Sammy."

"I love you too Jamie."


It was the next day at breakfast when someone noticed the ring that Sam was wearing the ring.

Sam had walked into the room last as he decided to skip the run today in favor of cuddling Bucky. He sat in the empty seat next to his husband. Next to Bucky was Steve, then Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor with Tony on the end. On the other end of the table was Stephen who wouldn't stop staring at Tony. Opposite Sam was Wanda, then Vision, Pietro, Loki, Rhodey, Pepper, and finally Peter.

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