The One Where He Panics.

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This is part 2 of The One Where They Are In A Meeting so make sure you read that one first! It starts of immediately after part 1!


Although the team were back together Tony didn't fully trust them.

I mean two of them left him for dead, you don't just get over that.

They had, had a couple of meetings after the accords were dropped and they had all moved back into the tower.

They had all shown on the few missions they had been on since everyone was back that they trusted him.

Yet Tony still didn't trust them.

So when Nat picked up Peter, he panicked.

"Hey! Not that this isn't great but we have places to be!" Tony suddenly yelled and quickly took Peter out of Nat's arms.

He was out of the door before anyone could argue.

They all sent confused looks to Stephen who was still stood in the doorway, just as confused as them but he hid it a lot better.

"Yea." Stephen could only guess what happened and wanted to make sure his husband was okay. "We have plans."

He nodded a goodbye and went off in the same direction Tony had ran off in.


After searching for a couple of minutes Stephen found Tony.

He was sat in the corner of the room hugging Peter while rocking back and forward.

Peter seemed to know something was wrong so he was just hugging his dad back.

"Tony?" Stephen whispered as he slowly entered the room, trying not to startle his husband.

Tony immediately looked up, panic written over his face.

"Hey, it's okay." Stephen spoke softly as he knelt in front of the other. "You're okay."

Now that he was closer to Tony he could see the tears running down his face.

"Everything's okay." Stephen reached his hand out and wiped away a few tears. "I'm going to move Pete out of the way okay?"

Tony shook his frantically and pulled Peter even closer to his chest. Peter whined slightly in discomfort so Tony lessened his grip.

"Okay Peter can stay." Stephen ran a shaky hand through his hair.

He moved so he was sat next to Tony rather then opposite and gently took one of his hands into his own.

When he didn't freak out any more he took it as a good sign.

They sat in silence for a while. Tony focusing on his son and his husband rather then the panic that wouldn't leave his chest.

Stephen focusing on getting Tony to copy his breathing, which he did without having to be told. That was also a good sign.

Peter was focused on being good to make his dad feel better.

"Do you want to talk about it." Stephen asked carefully after another moment of silence.

He shrugged in reply.

"It's just I saw her holding him and I panicked." He said softly. "I knew she wouldn't hurt him but then I remembered that I thought that about Steve too."

Stephen squeezed his hand to show he was listening.

"I couldn't stop thinking about them hurting him and I had to get him out of there." He let go of Stephens hand to move a curl out of Peters eye. "It's stupid I know."

"It's not stupid." Stephen stated softly but firmly. "You can't help what triggers a panic attack."

"That doesn't make it not stupid." Tony joked.

"True. But it wasn't stupid." He chuckled. "Now how about we go and make some pancakes and watch Star Trek."

Stephen pushed himself up and dusted himself off.

"Pancakes it's like 3 in the afternoon." Tony accepted the hand that was being held out for him and stood up, Peter still in his other arm.

"Pancakes!" Peter giggled and clapped his hands excitedly.

"How could you say no to that face." Stephen cooed as he pinched the toddlers cheeks.

"Pancakes it is." Tony rolled his eyes fondly before yawning.

"I think that daddy might need a nap time, what do you think Petey." He asked his son as Tony rolled his eyes again.

"Can I read him a story?" He asked as he made grabby hands at him.

Stephen looked at Tony who nodded before taking the boy into his arms.

"I think a story sounds like an excellent idea." He said as he walked out the room, Tony sleepily trailing behind with a lovesick look on his face.

Tony decided in that moment that as long as he had Stephen and Peter that he could try and trust the others.

Emphasis on the try.


Hey! It's been a while!

Someone requested a part 2 so here you go!

I wasn't sure where to go with it which is why it's so short but I wanted to update since I feel like it's been ages since the last one.

I hope everyone is doing well and looking after themselves.

Stay safe my dudes!

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