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TW!! Mentions Depression and Anxiety!!

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TW!! Mentions Depression and Anxiety!!


coraabbotupdates | coraabbotupdates
cora just left tommyinnit's stream abruptly

fundylive | fundy
replying to coraabbotupdates

jackmanifoldtv | jack manifold
replying to coraabbotupdates
jack manifold
tommyinnit | tommyinnit
replying to jackmanifoldtv & coraabbotupdates
how about shutting the fuck up
jackmanifoldtv | jack manifold
replying to tommyinnit & coraabbotupdates
no because i'm jack manifold

userinnit | user
replying to coraabbotupdates
i'm sure she had a good reason too
userjacobsss | user
replying to userinnit & coraabbotupdates
lmao she literally didn't
userinnit | user
replying to userjacobsss & coraabbotupdates
we literally don't know her? we don't know what goes on in her personal life so, hear me out, maybe SHE HAD A GOOD REASON TOO
userjacobsss | user
replying to userinnit & coraabbotupdates
oh so ur a fake fan lol
userinnit | user
replying to userjacobsss & coraabbotupdates
you're literally bashing on one of the creators in the community... and you're calling ME a fake fan? embarrassing for you

karljacobs_ | karl :)
replying to coraabbotupdates
hey :) lets not hate on people!
coraabbotupdates | coraabbotupdates
replying to karljacobs_ & coraabbotupdates
sorry if it seemed like we were attacking her! that was not our intent, we absolutely adore cora and we're concerned for her
karljacobs_ | karl:)
replying to coraabbotupdates & karljacobs_
we appreciate that! but some things are better left alone then spread around with rumours flying everywhere

georgenotfound | george
replying to coraabbotupdates
cora doesn't owe anyone an explanation as to why she suddenly left. friendly reminder.
karljacobs_ | karl:)
replying to georgenotfound & coraabbotupdates
best friend goals :)
usernotfound | user
replying to georgenotfound, karljacobs_ & coraabbotupdates
except... she kinda does tho?
userpunzlover69 | user
replying to georgenotfound, karljacobs_ & coraabbotupdates
yes she does

userabbot | user
replying to coraabbotupdates
we don't need to know everything that happens in her life... let her live her life

userwastaken | user
replying to coraabbotupdates
she's such an attention seeker omfg! she needs to get over herself

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