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"if water is wet does that mean fire is burnt?" coraline asked rolling her head on karl's shoulder, she looked up at him with an amused looking smile and giggled loudly.

"what are you even talking about?" karl laughed along with her. karl had given cora her medication to help with the pain which has led coraline to become loopy, silly, goofy.

"if water is wet, is fire burnt? it's like super hot" coraline slurred out, she rolled to her side and laid her head in karl's lap facing towards his stomach.

"fire is hot, yes" karl laughed and nodded, his hand running through cora's hair making her hum in joy.

"you're hot too" karl raised an eyebrow at her and continued to run his hand through her hair.

"oh am i now?" she nodded her head and giggled.

"fuck yeah! sometimes i look at you and think "wow hes some fine hunk of ass, i am so lucky, wow karl motherfucking jacobs" and then i remember i'm your girlfriend! how crazy is that?! i'm so lucky" karl laughed at the overdramatic and extravagant explanation.

"well i think you're crazy pretty and beautiful too" coraline gasped dramatically with her eyes wide.

"do you really?"

"always" coraline smiled proudly then puckered her lips, karl leant down and placed a kiss upon her lips, then another and another and another until coraline was straddling karl's lap, hands in his hair while karl held onto cora's hips. they're lips moulding together perfectly like missing puzzle pieces.

a moan escaped coraline's mouth as karl pushed her hips down against his, their hands gripping to each other as if they would slip through their fingers.

"rara, i can't– i can't do anything past this... i – i'm sorry" karl spoke against her lips, cora hummed and kissed karl again.

"i don't mind, we'll do whatever you're comfortable with" karl nodded and pressed his lips harder against coraline's.


coraabbot | cora:)
hi everyone! thank you all so much for your kind words and get well wishes, i've had such an amazing support system around me at all times and i'm so beyond thankful for all their help ❤️ i'm feeling much better today, it's only up from here!

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coraabbot | cora:)
just a reminder not to spread false information and not to harass my friends about me, unless it's a direct tweet or statement from either myself, karl, george, sapnap or dream do not believe it.

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"alright, enough of the phone" karl smiled pulling the phone from cora's grasp, she groaned and rolled over on the bed face down in the pillow.

"a little bit longer?" coraline mumbled hoping karl would be somewhat lenient with her.

"you heard what the doctor said, i just want to make sure that you recover faster" coraline rolled back over and looked at karl lovingly, she moved her hand to karl's bicep and gave him a loving smile.

"oh so caring, bubs" karl rolled his eyes and leant down pecking cora on the lips making her hum happily.

"you humble me" he teased, coraline sat up wrapping her arms around the brunet boy holding him tightly.

"i like the tweets you wrote, i think they were perfect — especially right now"

"i felt like something had to be said, i've been missing for nearly a week and a half, they deserve at least something" karl nodded rubbing his hand up and down cora's back, comforting her.

"they miss you" cora shrugged, "what? do you think they haven't?"

"i'm sure some of them have, for sure and i've missed them too but it's kind of nice not having the stress of streaming on my shoulders" coraline admits, karl nods and sits back on his bed.

"i um, when did you want to tell the fan? you know... about us?" karl asked tucking a strand of hair behind cora's ear.

"when did you want to tell them?"

"not right now, that's for sure. i want to able to spend time with you and not have to worry about people constantly trying to get in our relationship and try and do whatever they think they can do to try and break us up... you know? this is the first relationship that i've been in that actually feels right and i'm not letting that go, not even for a second" karl explained, cora nodded her head and looked at karl sincerely.

"then we wait until we're both ready, i'm not ready to share it with the fans and you're not ready to share it with the fans so let's just wait yeah? what we have is great, better than great and i don't want to lose that, i can't lose it"



i would absolutely love to know what YOU guys as the readers would like to see? what is something that YOU are waiting/wanting to happen? i'm open to all suggestions and i'd love to write something that you're all super interested in!

i'm not 100% sure if karl is okay with smut so i'm not completely down to write that if he's not okay with it but i'm okay with writing things like fluff, angst and suggestiveness.

i already have like 5 other chapters written out so it might be a little bit before it's written/posted but i promise to take all suggestions into consideration and try and work it into the story line if i feel like it's fit for the story!

i'm super excited for you guys to see what i have happened for this story! we've still got a while to go with Online Offline! don't you worry :)

Online Offline ~ Karl JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now