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tw/ cw: ghost/spirits/entities/demons, mentions of murder and blood, ⚠️actual blood and cuts⚠️

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tw/ cw:
ghost/spirits/entities/demons, mentions of murder and blood, ⚠️actual blood and cuts⚠️


coraline was in a completely different state compared to karl, she was filming for a youtube channel who had asked her to collaborate, coraline had watched this channel before and knew about their content but never thought she'd be in the position where she'd be doing what they're doing.

to say she was nervous and scared would be an understatement, coraline was beyond terrified and wanted nothing more than to be back in north carolina with karl, cuddling on his couch watching adventure time but instead she was here... getting ready to hunt ghosts.

"what's up guys! it's sam and colby here! and today we're joined by three very special people, we have seth, amanda and coraline abbot here with us today!" colby shouted into the camera, cora was stood next to amanda with their arms linked together tightly.

"for those who don't know coraline, what in earth are you doing? are you living under a rock? coraline is a very popular twitch streamer and she's best friends with people such as mr beast, dream, karl and all those amazing people! and i don't know why she agreed to come hunt ghosts with us" sam joked, cora laughed and nodded her head.

"i don't know why i agreed either to be honest" cora joked, sam and colby smiled towards the blonde and went on to introducing seth and amanda.

"amanda is a medium and can communicate with spirits that have passed"

"seth is actually related to famous and alleged axe murderer, lizzie borden–"

"no way!! that's so cool!" coraline interrupted looking towards seth, the group laughed and nodded their heads before telling the viewers why the house was haunted.

"it's been said that this house is haunted by seven spirits, one's of which is demonic, there's been reports of people being scratched, pushed, people said their clothes and hair have been tugged as well"

"back in nineteen fifteen where was an axe murderer by the name of dave philipsons and he was said to have gone on a rampage just murdering this poor family"

"the family was called the karris family, there was the mother, gillian karris, father, henry karris and two children lucy and frank karris"

"the karris family had no relations with dave or anything, he was just a random guy that came into their house and started swinging at them, back in those times it wasn't uncommon for family's to leave their doors unlocked or for neighbours to come in and ask for sugar or milk, what have you"

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