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"you're a great girlfriend to karl, that boy is so in love with you it's disgusting. there's literally no one else i would rather have date you then him"

"it's the first day in florida and i'm already ruining the trip" george felt bad for coraline, he knew no matter what he told her or what he did, she wouldn't believe him... she was just like that.

"you're not ruining the trip, the guys are just worried about you two" coraline sighed and laid her head against george's lap.

"maybe karl and i just need to sit down and talk things out" george shrugged his shoulder but nodded his head anyway.

coraline felt like she was drowning, just inches off reaching the surface but never making it up, suffocating in her own negative thoughts and questions about whether or not she was ever going to be good enough.

questioning whether it was worth going on a break off of social media to focus and fix things between her and karl instead of trying to balance everything at once.

"maybe mom and paul were right... i'm never gonna be enough for anyone" coraline cried letting a tear fall from her eye.

"don't say that! you're more than enough cora, i'm so proud of you and of what you've accomplished so far, don't let them win"


the group decided on chinese for dinner and sat on dreams bedroom floor laughing and talking about literally anything that came to mind, it was a well needed night to take the tension away from the couple.

"you told me you'd suck my dick on stream, you don't think the fans were going to react the way they did?" george spoke making dream laugh loudly.

"i mean..." george rolled his eyes and continued picking at his food while listening to sapnap and quackity bicker back and forth.

"stay mad that i'm sexier than you" coraline began to zone out of their conversations and focused on her own thoughts, she kept her head down looking at the noodles in her take away container.

she wasn't sure what she was thinking about but there was definitely a battle going on in her head, conflict within herself to try and do/be better for not only herself but for karl, george, maya etc.

coraline and maya hadn't spoken in a while, it was pretty devastating for the both of them. they still loved and cared for one another, still spoke so highly about each other but with their busy schedules their free time never seemed to line up.

coraline and maya promised each other that no matter what happens between them, no matter the distance... if something was to happen they would let the other person know immediately, they'd drop everything and call.

and boy-oh-boy, was maya keeping that promise.

she was keeping tabs on everything, every little iffy moment, questionable comment or look, every. single. thing. but it was only a matter of time.

"i'm gonna go to bed" coraline finally spoke, interrupting the conversation between george and karl, the boys all looked over at coraline who was already standing to leave the room.

"you alright?" sapnap asked noticing how much she'd been distancing herself from them, coraline muttered a quick 'mhmm' before walking out of dreams room and into hers and karls.

closing the door behind her, she leant back against it and cursed herself out.

"you're a fucking idiot, coraline" she muttered making her way towards her suitcase to grab a pair of pyjamas, with nothing sticking out to her and made her way over to karl's luggage and stole one of his shirts then put on some shorts.

it somewhat comforted her.

making her way into bed, she sighed to herself wondering where she went wrong, what she did wrong and what she could do to fix it... how could she fix it?

she rubbed her eyes with the balls of her hands and groaned loudly at her stupidity.

"loud groan" she heard an all too familiar voice speak, she looked up and saw karl making his way towards his suitcase to what she assumed would be, him getting changed.

"loud groan" she confirmed with a weak smile and a nod, karl knelt one knee on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair before crossing his arms and looking at coraline.

"are we okay?" he asked hesitantly, his heartbeat was rapid as he waited for her to speak.

"i don't know? are we?" coraline sat up on the bed and crossed her legs.

"i want us to be, i know i've said some pretty crappy things and there's no excuse for why i was acting like a dick bur you didn't deserve it, god coraline you deserve the world" coraline wasn't 100% sure if she actually even believed him, she wanted too... but she couldn't.

"we can talk about it another time, i'm tired and i want to go to bed" karl nodded and got in the bed with coraline after getting changed, it was unusual for the two to not be cuddling or giggling like they usually would but the tension between them could've been cut with a knife.

"you know i love you right?" when coraline didn't respond it broke karls heart... he was pushing her away that much that she wasn't sure that he loved her.

"i love you, i love you so much" he told her, he grabbed into coraline hand which she let happen before giving in and resting her head upon his chest, for one night they could put aside their differences and just be them.

"can i kiss you? please?" coraline looked up at karl and nodded her head before pressing their lips together, it'd felt like it'd been a lifetime since the last time they kissed so they were savouring it.

like it'd be the last time they would.

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