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a week after the altercation with paul, maya and coraline's family, the restraining order had been signed and charges had been pressed, karl was beyond proud of coraline for holding her ground and trying to stay strong throughout the whole process, she was doing somewhat okay considering the circumstances.

karl and coraline's close circle of friends had done a really good job of keeping the fact that karl and coraline had moved into together, quiet, the couple were still yet to tell the fans they were dating so telling the fan that the two of them had randomly decided to moving into together would've thrown a spanner in the works.

of course her fans knew that she moved houses but got told from everyone that it was because her lease was up and she wanted to find somewhere bigger to live, all the fans were oblivious to the fact that coraline had moved in with karl, which meant the two were doing something right.

when coraline worked up the courage to tell george about what happened with paul, he was adamant and fought coraline to let him come to north carolina and be there for her, to help her with what ever she needed, even to be a shoulder to cry on.

when sapnap and dream had mentioned something about the situation they even pushed at trying to get the three of them a flight up to be quote on quote "her body guards in case something went south again"

and while coraline was safe, she didn't necessarily feel like it.

at the beginning of it all, she was having night terrors, questioned every second of everyday if the doors and windows were locked, she never left karl's side unless it was absolutely necessary and if she wasn't with karl, she was hiding in their bedroom, and she couldn't stream out of fear that the fans would find out.

karl was supportive through the whole thing and let coraline know that she was safe and they were all gone, any chance he could to try and comfort her.

as the days passed coraline showed small signs of improvement, she was beginning to do things more independently, she was able to leave their room without the fear of paul showing up, she could leave the house to get the mail from the mailbox.

after about a month coraline was nearly back to her usual self, she was streaming, smiling and laughing, she felt like she could breathe freely again, obviously there was still slight fear in the back of her mind but she soldiered on.

"bridge... bridge! BRIDGE YOU STUPID IDIOT! DREAM BRIDGE YOU STUPID GREEN SON OF THE BITCH" coraline screamed before punching her desk three times in frustration as someone from the green team fireballed her.

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