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tw: mentions of throwing up

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tw: mentions of throwing up


coraline was sitting next to her toilet at 3:41am after throwing up for the 7th time just this morning, her head was pounding and her eyes swollen and red from constant crying.

no matter what she did, she couldn't seem to stop vomiting, it had gotten to the point where she brought her pillow and blanket into the bathroom so she was close by.

if coraline was being honest, all she wanted was for karl to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright and that he was there for her, but instead she was alone on the cold tiled bathroom floor, crying.

maddy and jimmy had popped by her house for a few hours earlier that day just to check in and make sure she was okay and to see if she needed help with anything, they'd both told her that chris, chandler and karl had told jimmy about what was going on and that they boys had expressed their disappointment to karl.

it was a relief for cora to know that the boys cared about her that much that they stuck up for her against karl who they've known longer than her.

the amount of times coraline had pulled up karl's contact only to lock her phone again, was insane, she'd almost pressed the call button to many times to count as well.

of course coraline knew if she asked karl to come back to north carolina to help her, he'd be on the first flight back without any hesitation, is that what coraline wanted though? could she trust karl again and have a healthy and stable relationship after this?

"rara? are you okay? what's wrong?" coraline heard someone say, she looked down at her phone and noticed she had accidentally pressed the call button on karl's contact.

"uhh, i'm sorry, i kind of— i accidentally clicked the call button, i'm sorry to disturb you... i'll just g—" coraline's face started warming up with a blush of embarrassment.

"no! wait! is everything is okay? are you— are you okay?" karl asked hesitantly, cora closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"yeah i'm— i'm as good as i can be, i guess?... i think?"

"i'm so sorry, really i am cora... i just, you won't believe me but i do love you, so much — cora?" karl's apology got cut short by cora throwing her phone down and racing towards the toilet to throw up again, coraline choked out a sob not only from embarrassment but also from being fed up with vomiting and feeling like shit.

coraline could hear karl comforting her over the phone, telling her that it's okay and that she's got this but i didn't help, coraline still felt like crap and wanted nothing more than to just sleep.

"you okay?" karl asked sincerely as he heard coraline return after flushing the toilet and washing her mouth, the sound of coraline crying broke his heart knowing he was part of the reason and he couldn't be there to help her.

"i'm gonna go, sorry for bothering you" cora spoke softly, karl's breath hitched at the comment making his heart break even more, this was the longest conversation the two have had since the two had, had their argument.

"you didn't bother me" karl told her, he looked over to the empty side of the bed he was laying in and frowned to himself. "before you go, can i ask you a question?"

coraline couldn't help but crack a smile before saying, "you just did" a smile appeared on karl's face.

"ha, you're funny" coraline let out a slight giggle and closed her eyes for a second, just to focus on karl's breathing.

"you can ask me a question if you really want" coraline told him, she turn onto her side and gripped the quilt under her.

"do you think we'll go back to normal? you know... like back to karline and not coraline and karl?" coraline smiled and cleared her throat.

"i'd like to think so, i'm not giving up without a fight if that's what you think is happening, i still love you and i still care for you, i'm just hurt and disappointment" karl's mouth twitched into a smile slightly as he let out a small laugh.

"thank god" coraline rolled her eyes but quickly groaned as she felt her stomach turn again, her brows pulled together tightly in hopes it would miraculously help... news flash it didn't.

coraline stopped herself from asking karl to come back home and be with her while she was in this kind of state, she was in pain not just physically but mentally and emotionally, and she wanted nothing more then for karl to just hold her.

"i'm gonna go to bed or else i'm never going to stop" karl hummed and nodded his head, upset that she was leaving but began to see things from her perspective and understand why she was upset with him.

"yeah, that's fine— i hope you feel better soon"

"thank you k, sleep well"

"you too"

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