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"you're all good to go home, you're to limit your screen time everyday until you're feeling one hundred percent better, the swelling in your brain has gone down so that's a great sign. you must have someone with you at all times except for when you're having a shower or using the toilet. you must alert them if you're feeling dizzy — that is nonnegotiable, do you understand me?"

coraline sat on the hospital bed listening to her doctor and neurologist tell her what she can and can't do, karl had already told her that he would stay with her everyday until she was feeling better.

"yeah, i understand" coraline told them with a small nod, her head still hurting a bit which was to be expected with the concussion.

"we've prescribed some medication for you to take, it might make you a bit loopy — that is completely normal, it's just to ease the pain and stress on the brain, i would suggest sleeping on your back as well, try not to move your head too quickly, it will cause you to be in a lot of pain so just take it easy. you're not allowed to drive for two weeks either, if you need to go somewhere somebody else must take you" cora's neurologist hands karl the prescription and nods.

"you're all good to go sign the paperwork and head off, take it easy and remember to go see your psychologist about your family, anxiety and depression, your mental health is very important coraline" and with that they left the room, coraline looked over to karl who had been by her side the whole time, they had to lie and say they were engaged just so karl could be with her, because of covid.

standing from the bed, she linked her hand in karls and made their way over to the nurses desk to fill out the paperwork, coraline's head throbbing trying to read all the words and understand the jumbled letters.

"you okay, bubs?" karl whispered noticing the distressed look on cora's face, she turns to him and rested her head against his collarbone sighing in frustration.

"it's hard to read it" karl hummed and placed a hand on the back of her head and another around her waist swaying side to side.

"is she okay?" one of the nurses asks, karl smiled at the nurse and cleared his throat.

"she's having a hard time reading it" coraline took a second to collect herself before turning back to the sheets of paper, the words still somewhat fumbling together and going in and out of focus.

"do you want me to read it to you?" karl whispered to her rubbing her back trying to sooth her, cora shook her head and signed the paper anyway, probably signing her life away in the process.

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