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Nayeon's PoV

"Tzuyu just keep this first, we are not yet sure. Plus she's saying something about the Third eye... maybe that's why she can see me."

I roamed my eyes as I heard someone's voice. I am not in a familiar place. All I can see is the white mantle, an old ceiling, and spider webs on every corner of the place.

"Argh." I groaned as I sit and stretched my numbing body.

I stopped in the midway as I saw the person who's talking a while ago.


"Oh my gosh!"

I jumped out of the couch and stand behind it as I'm looking at the girl in horror. She's the ghost!

"W-who are you?! Why are you he- No, Why am I here?!"

I saw her look somewhere as if she's seeing somebody.

Wait! As far as I know, ghost lives in old places... don't tell me we are in the place where many ghosts live?!

I snapped my head to check if there are more ghosts except her but all I can see is her... should I be glad!?

"Tzuyu, no. Let's ask her first." The girl said to someone.

I looked at where she's looking but she seems like staring into the wind.

"Hey, who are you talking to, ghost!" I yelled.

She looked at me confusedly and about to get near but I stopped her.

"Don't! Just don't ever! Who are you?! Why I am here?! A-and who are you talking to?!" I asked continuously.

"You can't see her?"

Your PoV
(Minutes Earlier)

We are now back to our house while Tzuyu is carrying Nayeon. When Nayeon passed out, just luck that Tzuyu came as she's roaming around the plaza. I told her to help me to bring Nayeon into this house since we can't just leave her over there.

Here she is now, fully down after she used all her spiritual energy.

"Now, explain. How the hell this girl and you met again? That's so insane, Fucking destiny." She hissed.

I sighed and started to explain to her all that happened that made her freak out.

"No way! Don't tell me you're the third level now!?" She yelled as she distances herself from me.

"What!? No! If I am, I should have killed you right away."

"I'm dead, bitch." She cussed still up with her guard.

"Shut up, Chou. I'm telling you, this girl now something. Plus have you heard about another ghost level helped a third level that turns her into a third level also?" I asked.

"N-no, but maybe you." She said.

I shook my head in frustration and looked at Nayeon who's still unconscious.

"Y/N, you know the truth. If a person saw you, that only means you are on the third level. Only the third level can be seen by the livings. We don't know, maybe saving the third level will also turn you into a third one." She said.

"Tzuyu just keeps this first, we are not yet sure. Plus she's saying something about the Third eye... maybe that's why she can see me." I concluded and begged.

I know that anytime Tzuyu can surrender me on a grim reaper as I got the traits that only a third level should have.

"Argh!" We both snapped as we heard Nayeon. When we looked at her, she's already awake.

She's checking the whole place when her eyes meet my eyes and she stopped.


"Oh my gosh!" I uttered as I flinch because of her loud voice.

"W-who are you?! Why are you he- No, Why am I here?!" She asked continuously as she's now standing behind the couch.

"Oh my god, this is crazy! Tell her to shut up!" Tzuyu yelled.

We ghosts are sensitive when it comes to human noises, we hate them.

"We will kick her out even if I need to use my energy just for her to shut up!"

"Tzuyu, no. Let's ask her first." I said.

"Hey, who are you talking to, ghost!" Nayeon yelled making me look at her.

Did she just?

"Don't! Just don't ever! Who are you?! Why I am here?! A-and who are you talking to?!" She said after she stopped me to get near.

"You can't see her?" I asked confusedly.

"S-she can't see me?" Tzuyu asked also.

"W-what are you saying? Are you with someone else?" She asked as she looks around.

"She can't see me... that means-" Tzuyu said and looked at me. Suddenly she runs outside the house and started yelling.


"What the fuck?!" I ran to her and throw my body into her making us both on the ground.

"What the fuck Tzuyu!? I'm your friend!"

"Who cares? You're the third level, you'll end me!" She said and kicked my stomach.

"Ugh- Tzuyu!" I grunt while she stood up and about to run away.

"Help! There's a thir-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence when I pulled her foot making her fall on the ground.

"Oh! You little shi-"

"Shut up! Can you listen first? Look, if I am a third level then I won't end you. I can assure you that." I said.

I stood up and composed myself. I reached my hand to her to help her to stand up but she just looks at it.

"I promise... I won't do that to you. You are my first friend in this ghost life. Your end is not me, a third-level ghost neither another ghost. Your end is when you finished your mission. Trust me, let's help each other."

Third Person

While Tzuyu and Y/N are having a serious talk outside, Nayeon used that time to sneak out. As she gets out of the house, she saw Y/N looking down into something but she saw nothing.

"What the hell is wrong with this ghost? Does she die on crazy circumstances or something?" Nayeon hissed and run out of the place silently.


"Fine, but if you did something to me. I won't hesitate and call a grim reaper without you knowing it." Tzuyu said.

Y/N sighed and nodded as Tzuyu reached for her hand.

"Wait, if we are both in here... who's looking after your girlfriend?" Tzuyu asked.

Y/N's eyes widened as she remembered Nayeon.

"Oh shoot! She's not my girlfriend!" Y/N exclaimed and run inside the house.

"A runaway girlfriend, nice," Tzuyu said as she shook her head.

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