Ninety Two

792 105 5

Nayeon's PoV

I cannot still believe that I am looking at Y/N right now. I mean, her body... she's not dead. She's physically here.

I looked back at Y/N who's on the side while Jeongin is just standing across the bed.

"When the police arrived at the place. They saw my sister bathed on her blood. Aside from that, there's other two body. Surprisingly, Y/N noona survived."

"That's not a surprise... your sister is a fighter." I said and looked at Y/N on my side.

She suddenly wiped her fake tears which made me roll my eyes.

"She is. That's why I still hope that she'll come back. Dad said noona was signed to donate her organ if she didn't make it. But I know there's still a hope."

I looked at Y/N as I heard what Jeongin said. She didn't say anything but I know she knew what her brother is talking about.

"Do you... really see ghosts?" Jeongin asked.

I just nod as an answer. I know that he is still in doubt because who is not? It's rare to see some people who can see ghosts. And who else are proud to have it?

Going back, I know that I bragged about seeing ghosts or spirits before and even scammed many people. But now that I am having it, I just think that it's something that I should brag off.

"The first time I saw your sister... I was in the hospital. I didn't think she's a ghost before. Because I don't really see ghosts. But then, it turned out that your sister has been helping me since then. When I able to see her, we did something... sort like a ritual. It opened up my third eye and then starting from that day, everything changed." I said.

"Yeah, she called me an angel once. Or twice, maybe." Y/N butted in as if Jeongin will hear her.

"Many ghosts attempted to hurt me. And she protected me."

"She's really like that. She protects whoever who needs her help. That's why I look up on my sister for that."

"Don't worry, I an sure your sister will comeback. We'll find a way for her to comeback." I said.

"Can't she still show herself?" Jeongin asked which made me look at Y/N.

Y/N shook her head. It's hard for her to gain energy especially she needs candle to recharge.

"She's just right there. She'll show up if she's ready."

Suddenly the door went open and the president came in.

"Oh no." Y/N uttered.

He looked at me surprisingly as he also looked back at Jeongin.

"What is she doing here?"

"Dad, she's here to help-" I stopped Jeongin and stepped out with courage.

"President Yang. I know what you might thinking right now. But my motive is clean. I came here to help."


"I know what is happening. About the scandal that has been roaming around. I could share some information that may help."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because she cares, dad. She knows that noona will comeback too." Jeongin said.

The president didn't reply but he just looked at Jeongin.

"You need to leave or else I'll call the police."

What the-

"But dad-"

"Jeongin shut up!"

I eyed on Y/N and ever her, doesn't know what to do.

"Please, just leave." The president said. Jeongin just told me to do so then mouthed that he'll call me.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, President Yang. I'll leave." I said and look at Y/N before leaving the room.

Now, the floor have more guards than a while ago.

I went out of the hospital without a choice and looked at Y/N.

"At least we able to tell Jeongin." Y/N said.

"Aishh, your dad and brother got same mind. Imagine wanting to drag me out of that room?"

"Sorry for that."

I just sighed and started the car but the. I realized that I have no where to go.


"I can't go back. I'm sure dad is real mad at me." I said.

I checked my phone and I am right. So many missed calls.

"Oh no."

I rest on my steering wheel as I think of what to do. So many happenings in just a day. I want to rest, this is so much tiring.


"Hmm?" I asked still heads down.

"Thank you."

I looked at her and realized that she's been looking at me.


"If I woke up, let's go to the amusement park together again. I miss going there without thinking anything." She said.

I really hope that we can finish whatever she needs to do. Especially now that I know she's physically alive. It's still syncing in to me. I can't believe that anytime sooner, I can get to touch her physically. Not just some air who disguised as her presence.

"You know what? I am not tired at all. Let's go back there?"

"Huh? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I bought once a special candle there. I think you will like it." I said which lighten her up.

"Oh such a great idea! Let's go!"

I chuckled and started the car to drive on that place.

"Gosh! I miss this! I know I've been here but going back here just made me forget things!" Y/N said as she screams her excitement out.

I can't help but to smile at the moment as I see her enjoying this. Somehow, I able to forget my problems too. I guess it's just timing.

"Let's eat first, I haven't eaten yet." I said.

We went to the shop where we also went before. I told Y/N that I let her decide what I am going to eat. She made a great choice tho.

"You know, if we go back here, I'll order this." Y/N said as we get to our table with the food I bought and she chose.

"Only if you'll enjoy it. What do you think?" She asked as she waits on me to taste the order she chose.

"Are you serious? These are actually great. You really need to order these as soon as you are fine already. But now, here's for you," I said and lighted the candle that I got to the other store.


"After this, we can enjoy the rides." I said.

As we enjoy our businesses, I noticed that Y/N is looking at the candle. Well, more like she's thinking of something.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked which made her snap.

"Oh, yeah. I'm just... happy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm happy that even that I am a ghost right now, I get to experience the life of the livings. I just wish I won't forget this if I wake up." She said.

"Silly, if you forget these all, you'll forget me." I joked.

"I know... and it's scary. I don't want to forget the person that helped me. That made me feel alive even in the these times... I don't want to forget you."

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