Seventy One

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Nayeon's PoV

The whole time, I just listen to my class. It's been three hours when the two left. I wonder where are they...

"Okay class that's it for today. Just wait for your next subject." Our teacher said and left.

"Now where are they?" I mumbled and about to left when I heard commotions at the front seat.

"That's a shame! How could a president have a son like that? What kind of attitude he has?!"

President son? Jeongin?

I go to them and look what they are doing. They are watching through their phones.

"Is it live?" I asked.

"Yeah, wait... you are also Jeongin's friend. I see you talk to him sometimes. Look, he just disrespected your father."

My father? Wait what's happening? Oh right! Last night, Dad mentioned about this.

I looked at their phone and realized that it is a live-streams report.

"That's President Yang." I mumbled as I saw him.

"Uhuh, they set a press-con. Just this morning, a video came out. Jeongin which is the president son is harassing Prime Minister Im."

"Can I see the video?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I guess I saved it." He said and showed me the video.

The place is familiar to me. It's dad's office. So he was telling the truth. Jeongin went on his office.

"I can't hear anything." I said.

"The video doesn't have a sound. But you can see it clearly."

No... I want to know what he's up to.

"What's the press-con about?" I asked.

"Technically about apologizing, what more? And look, your father is there too."

"I can't believe Jeongin can really put his father's reputation in danger."

"Do you still want to be friends with him?"

My classmates continuously asked.

That's why he's not here either.

Suddenly our next subject teacher came in.

"Class, settle. We are about to begin."

Oh no, I think I should know something about this. I want to know why he did that. He doesn't look like someone who would risks his father's reputation. Besides, the past months I know him, he doesn't despise me. Or maybe I am wrong...

It's already dismissal and still I haven't seen any sign of Y/N and Jihyo. Where could they be!?

"What if you're not going to go back?"

"Oh no!"

"Y/N! Y/N where are y-"



Jihyo and Y/N showed up upon calling her name for the second time.

"Where have you been!? I thought you are not going back!"

"Calm down, human. I told her that I want to meet her other friend."


"Yeah, we are trying to solve our problems. And besides, Y/N told you just call her if you need her. You called her and then, boom! We are here."

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