Hundred Eight

761 82 3

Third Person

It's been months after Nayeon and her mom left South Korea. They live their life in Canada like they planned. Everything is slowly coming normal for them. Nayeon also studying on one school to continue her study.

Somehow she learned to adjust and adopt the new environment they are living with just like what her mom's want.

It's Saturday and Nayeon luckily doesn't have a class. Her mom is on her work basically leaving Nayeon alone in their house. Yes, after two months when they arrived in Canada, they decided to get a new house for them.

Nayeon texted her mom that she'll be leaving so that if her mom went home, she won't look for her. Nayeon was set to welcome Jeongyeon as Jeongyeon is in a vacation and she chose where Nayeon is.

After Nayeon prepared herself, she immediately headed to the airport as soon, Jeongyeon will land on the place.

"Yes mom, Jeongyeon said it's just her. Her parents want to come but you know her."

["Okay, make sure you guys are okay, alright? I just got home from office. I'll prepare some food for Jeongyeon."]

"Alright." Nayeon said and ended the call.

She just waited there, looking at her watching time to time. She must admit she misses her friend. She's also happy to see that her friend is back on her normal pace. After months of recovery, there are still some adjustments but like Nayeon, Jeongyeon is doing great now.

After a while, Nayeon's phone chimed. She checks it and saw a message from Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon: I'm down now! Where are you?

Nayeon looked up and wanders her eyes. There's so many people walking out and Nayeon is really having a hard time to find her friend.

Her search stops as she saw her friend waving her hand.

"Nayeon!" Jeongyeon yelled.

Nayeon run towards her friend and give her a tight hug, still enough for her friend to feel comfortable.

"You miss me that much huh?" Jeongyeon chuckles as she move a little.

"Silly, of course I do." Nayeon said.

"Let's not waste time, mom went back early and she's also waiting for you."

"Wow, I never thought that I will be welcome like this. If I know I would have brought my things with me." Jeongyeon said.

"Are you for real? Mom is waiting, let's go." Nayeon said and helped Jeongyeon with her things.

As they are in the cab, they talked about how Jeongyeon is and her plan on her vacation.

"I'll be staying for a week. And I guess my parents talked to your mom already."

"Well that's good. I could tour you here. My schedule in school is not that hectic." Nayeon said.

Not to long, Jeongyeon and Nayeon arrived. Obviously Nayeon's mom is happy to see Jeongyeon too.

"I'm glad you're here. You can watch over Nayeon while I am busy in my work. You know, she always out of this house but never really bother to tell me where she is."

"Mom, you really agreed for Jeongyeon to stay here to watch me?"

"Why not?"

"HAHAHA! Don't worry, I'll make sure that Nayeon won't do anything stupid just like before." Jeongyeon said and laugh.

They decided to eat right after the small talk. Although they continued it on the dining, Nayeon and Jeongyeon continues to catch up.

"Ladies, I'm realy sorry but I have to go back again. You know, up for a promotion."

"Mom you really deserve an award for that. Don't worry, we'll be fine here."

"Yeah, coz I'll be staying her for a week." Jeongyeon said as she shrugged.

They laugh and bid goodbye on Nayeon's mom after. Nayeon lead Jeongyeon the room She using. While Jeongyeon is fixing her bags, Jeongyeon throw a question.

"So... how are you? Your mom said that you're drowning yourself at school? I never thought you are into school huh?" Jeongyeon said.

"Well... people change." Nayeon just sighed and sat at Jeongyeon's bed as she was leaning on the door way a while ago.

"Really? Is that real reason?" Jeongyeon asked as she looks up on Nayeon since she's sitting on the floor.

"Of course."

"Tch, we've been just separated for months. I still know if you do lies or not... Are you still thinking about her?" Jeongyeon asked which put Nayeon in silence.

Jeongyeon smiled as she knows that silence.

"So... I'm dealing with a ghost now huh?" Jeongyeon said.


Jeongyeon sat properly as she moved her bags off. She just looked at Nayeon as she hugged her knees and smiled bitterly.

"How ironic that it's a different heart that was attach in me but I still feel hurt inside."

"I'm sorry." Nayeon said.

"No, don't be. I'm not blaming or what. It's totally fine that you won't like me back. I know I've said what I am feeling towards you before. And that won't never change. Even this new heart learn to love you because all the memories were kept in my mind. But I am more happy if I'll see you in good hands. If it's not me that you want, it's fine. But I'm just saying is... you can't stuck yourself on a ghost. On someone who You was even been with physically." Jeongyeon said.

"You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy and safe. Not just in your imagination but physically." Jeongyeon said.

Meanwhile, Nayeon was crying as she heard Jeongyeon's words. Jeongyeon went to Nayeon and hugged her as she rubs the back of her friend.

"Come on, I came her to have vacation and not to babysit you, okay? It's just an act when I said those to aunt. I know how stubborn you are." Jeongyeon said and laughs.

Nayeon wipe her tears away and smiled.

"So, when are you going to tour me?"

"Tomorrow, I'm sure you are tired of a long flight. You have to rest." Nayeon said as she stood and let Jeongyeon have her time for resting.

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