How you meet+first "date"-Kai

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A/n the next section will be first kiss and then meeting everyone/love triangle


If only my shift had ended a few minutes earlier.

"I'm sorry about this...." The guy at the table in my section said as he used his napkin to wipe his face dry.

"Look at least it was just water..." I wonder what he did to get his date to throw water on him.

"So your a hot shot huh?" I smirked brushing the ice into the cup.

"No, I just accidentally burned her hair..." I didn't even question it.

"Well, I would say you deserved that then." I laughed. Looking at him now he looked familiar. He shifted in his seat getting out his wallet. That's when I saw his ID. Kai Smith. I turned the tablet alright I won't lie I'm a fan but in a admire kinda way not run down the street. 

"I'm Kai thanks for your help," He said as he placed down the check for me.

"Hey, anything for my customers.." We looked at each other before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Look if I promise to not burn your hair do you maybe want to go for a ride?" He flipped his hair.

"Give me 10 minutes and I'll take you up on that offer..." I was shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth.

"Deal my bikes outside." I ran to the back to clock out. I threw on my jacket and walked outside. His bike was of course red and he handed me a helmet.

"Hold on." He revved the engine and immediately we were off.  I couldn't tell where he was taking us. We raced through the city. The sun was setting as we got to borg tower. He started to slow down.

"Come on I kinda know the guy." He grabbed my hand and lead me in.

"Kai who is the unauthorized visitor is that what is called a fan girl?" I metallic robot said scanning me.

"Relax Pix, I'm just taking her to see the view." I waved walking by. He took me to the elevator and I watched the floor levels rise.

"Kai where are we going?"

"To the best view of the city." He pulled me out and we were at the very top of borg tower. The wind hit my face as he lead me out.

"Scared of heights?" I shook my head as he brought me to the edge of the tower.


I walked her sit with her legs dangling over the edge. I prided myself on being the risk-taker but I was scared to do that. Her hair moved with the wind. I couldn't help but look at her eyes. They were fearless. But at the same time like she never had control.

"y/n how can you trust a stranger?" she turned to me.

"it's not that I trust you yet but you excite me so I had to say yes." She gave me a smile.

The sun started setting more and the moon came out. She stood up against the wall. I jumped up and grabbed her waist. She jolted adjusting to my grip.

"I'm on top of borg towers!" She called out. I laughed.

"Hey if you like this one day I can take you dragon-riding." Her face lit up.

"So there will be a next time?" She said. I took this moment to pick her up bridal style into my arms.

"There will be a next time," I said placing her down.

Ninjago boyfriend scenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang