Pulling an all-nighter-Lloyd

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Lloyd POV.
Y/n was sitting on the offince desk and I grasped her waist. We kept kissing frantically knowing people would be waiting for us.
"Ok ok," she pulled away. We both were catching our breath as I pulled her in.
"I missed you so much if only we could go home," I said. She nodded.  I sighed her her hands ran through my hair. We had been apart for about a month when she went on another dig.
"Come on the team is waiting." I took her hand as we walked out. The team had decided a fundraiser for the hospital would be a good idea. People could pay to sleepover in the history museum. And of course we would make an appearance.
The team was busy taking photos and more. Thankful no one under 16 was allowed to attend otherwise kids would be glued to Lloyd all night.

My mom and other faculty members were talking giving tours and more.

"hey after you guys talk maybe we could spend the night somewhere else?" I turned and gave her a confused look.

"Only one wing is being used you can get another private tour just like when we met...." I kissed her cheek. I still think about that day. How if i wasn't there or she wasn't there I wouldn't have met my girlfriend. I was interrupted by Kai and Jay bounding over with Zane and Cole trailing behind.

"You guys sealed the bottomless pit up right?"

"After the stone warrior yes we definitely did that wing it just closed," Y/n said. they took a sigh of relief. I didn't want to know why they ran in and asked.

"Ahem its time for us to talk to the guests and press," Zane said . We all walked over to my mom and microphones were set up.

"I wanna thank everyone for being here and we are opening the floor to questions," Kai said. Y/n reached out her hand and then took it back. We were standing next to each other and I took her hand. I gave her a smile until I was asked a question. The guests were then ushered to a movie in the planetarium.

"Hey, we have a new exhibit opening in a few weeks wanna be the first person to see it?"

"Sure," She started walking to the North wing.

"How did you feel about the mission last night?" I asked. Y/n had her first solo mission a few days ago, and it didn't go perfectly well. A few rouge remaining sons of Garmadon had been hunted down to an abandoned factory. They were wanted for their crimes while working for Harumi.

"I just can't believe I failed so miserably." Y/n had let one of the bikers get away and it hadn't noticed until they were put in Cryptarium. Basically, the Pixal had to locate him on a dock. But before he was caught his ship set sale so the city wasn't able to take them in.

"Hey we've all messed up missions before," We stopped outside huge wooden doors. She took her badge form her pocket and let us in.
"These are all handmade glass flowers that look so real," we stepped in and there were cases and cases.

 "These are all handmade glass flowers that look so real," we stepped in and there were cases and cases

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We walked around hand in hand. I looked at the cases. Roses to herbs.
"Even the travelers tea berries," I said setting my hand against the glass.
"This is my new favorite place flowers that will never die," I turned she was staring at. (Favorite plant)
I wrapped my arms around her waist. Resting my chin the her shoulder.
"Don't scare me like that again," I said. I felt her stiffen a little. 
"Lloyd I tried my hardest I don't know what happened," she said.
"Just don't yell over the intercom "I don't have eyes on the suspect," I said. I had actually taken the day off. But when I was walking to the kitchen I heard her talk to Nya over the intercom. I didn't know if she was in danger or not so I ran in.
"You know how much I love you...I'd be at your side the minute you called,"
She reuend around to face.
"I promise I won't fuck up the next mission,"
I sighed. "You didn't! You could have just totally failed!"
"Lloydddd..." I strung my name out. Before she said the next thing I leaned in. I met her lips and she poached one hand on the side of my face.
"I have on more thing to show you,"
She said once we parted. We walked to another set of doors. There was another room with class flowers and trees. All behind barriers but you could reach and touch them. On the across from the doors was another set of doors but they were clas. We walked to them and she reached for the handle. There was a small terrace that overlook the main room m the guests were staying in.
"The guys are stayed in the ancient weapons room," she said before pointing to another terrace across the hall. In the corner there were two sleeping bags, pillows, and out duffle bag.
"I thought we would sleep under the trees and stars later," I looked up and there was a skylight. It was 1 am at this point. I heard my mom guiding the guest back from the planetarium.
"And with that I wish you all a restful sleep brunch will be served in the morning,".


We looked across to see the guys waving at us. If there was danger we could jump and protect the guests otherwise we could just hang out.
"Hey!" Nya and Jay walked in.
"We thought we could hang since the guys are going to sleep.
"Of course!" I said. We grabbed the sleeping bags and rolled them out to sit on.
Sometimes it was nice hanging out with Jay and Nya as like couple friends. We started talking more about today.
"So why did you guys ask if the pit was sealed?" I said. I saw Jays face get red.
"Jay tell her!" Nya said.
"We may have been playing catch with something and it may have fallen in..." I glanced at Nya.
"What is something?!" I said.
"It was a vase but Kai grabbed it!" I pulled out my phone opening the group chat.
Someone tell me what priceless vase you guys threw into the bottomless pit!

It was Kai!

Y/'n ok I got it outside the gift shop I thought it was fake!

"You guys are so dead tomorrow!" I said hitting jay on the arm.
"He deserves a lot more then a tap on the arm..." Nya said.
"Babe I'm really tired.." Lloyd said laying down.
"We'll get back to our side see you later," Nya said as they both left the room.
I laid back onto Lloyd arm. He Pikees me in closer.
"We should do this every night, you me the stars." I kissed his check.
"I'd like that..." I said yawing.
"I love you..." he said again.
"I love you too," with that I gave him a kiss on the lips.
"How did I-"
"Lucky? An amazing girlfriend, a new master of shadow?"
"I was gonna say girlfriend," I gave him another kiss.
"It's almost 4 AM we should sleep.
"I wish sleeping bags fit 2 people." I said getting up to get in mine.
"Get settled," I did and then I felt an arm wrap around me. I was in the sleeping bag but  Lloyd had an arm around me now.

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