Power switch-Jay

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before I knew it I was falling in mid air. I heard y/n screaming as well before the team was chaseing after us on their elemental dragons.

I landed on Lloyd's before we all got back on the ground. I ran over to Y/n who was caught by Nya. I took her in my arms. I then started looking her over making sure she was fine.
"What happened?" She said sounding very nervous.
"I have no idea I just lost control over my dragon." I just held her close again.
"lets get back sight seeing can wait another day," Zane said. We nodded and I rode with Nya and y/n with Cole.

The whole time we just kept glancing at eachother. No one really knew what to say cause we had no idea what was happening.  We touched down and jay was just kinda actually what was he doing-
He was in the air and then hit a wall.
"what did you do?!" I said running over him.
"I was just trying my powers but then I was blasted into the air-" He started then we looked at eachother.
I watched my hands and there was lightning. I jumped back. I moved my hands around and it followed. I aimed at the wall and bolt his it.
"Whoa what is going on how did you do that?" Lloyd said,
"I have no idea I can wait, I can;t control the wind anymore!" I said. I looked to the sky and nothing happened. I couldn't control the wind.
"Jay you accidentally used a wind blast and now I have lightning!" I said.
"We switched powers?" He said. He had a slightly more horrified look on his face.
"Wu is still out but you guys should lay low we don't know how much you can really control each others elements," Zane said. That's when my phone went off.
"I have to go to work I have a huge commission to finish,"
"Y/n-" I started running out.
"I'll come right back after nothing will happen I won't use my powers!"

I got the shop and my coworkers had done most of it. "I'm sorry I'm so late I have the other parts finished,"
"It's fine pull it up on the computer," One of them said.
I walked over and started finishing the file on photoshop.
"Um y/n what are you doing?" I looked down and the computer was shaking.

"Ummm I don't-" That's when my hands lit with lightning. I ran back against the opposing wall.

"Guys I'm gonna need to take a rain check," I said grabbing my things and getting back to the monastery.

"OK I need to be fixed now I almost broke the computer at work." I said panting as I busted into the training yard. They all looked and Wu came outside.

"Y/n. I have no explanation but the two of you should figure out each other's powers before there is an accident," Jay walked over and we sat down.

"Our elements act the same you can just see mine more," he said. I lifted my hand and watched a bolt form. I released it and hit the wall. Jay opened his hand and aimed at the doors and they blew open.

"I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we stayed like this forever," I said.

"Hey we'll get the bottom of this," He took my hand and kissed it.

"Guess we can switch gi's blue suits you," I laughed a little. I knew he was trying to cheer me up.
"Wish we could go on a dragon ride but we know what happened this morning," I said. I moved closer and he put his arms around me. I looked up at him and he looked over his shoulder. He leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss. It started out slow before we kissed harder. We were outside everyone could see us but that didn't matter. I moved my hands to his hair and he started to move me even closer. I held onto his arm then and he let out a soft moan.

"Ow!" He pushed me off and I saw my hands spark.

"Ok we shouldn't do that I don't wanna hurt you," I said.

"So you keep that under control when we...." I trailed off.

"I mean maybe subconsciously but its easy to accidentally spark someone," He said. I sighed and got up. We walked into the game room with everyone else.
"Everyone else is totally normal right?" I said sitting down.

"Yeah we have no idea how this happened," Lloyd said. We were all sitting in various places. Kai and Cole on the couch, Pixal and Zane on the floor tinkering with something. Jay and I took the other couch. He laid back on the L shaped couch, I laid between his legs and he played with my hair. Nya walked in with some hot chocolate.
"Wu called Mystake she can't get here for 2 days so looks like you are stuck for a while," I sighed.

"It cant be that bad we just won't got on missions," Jay said. everyone agreed.

Day 2

"Y/N!" Lloyd's voice rang out. Let me tell you what happened. I had tried and helped Pixal in the garage. But it turned into my short circuiting something and I cause the power to go out. But of course I was also the one that could bring it back. The emergency lights where on as Pix lead me to the panel.
"This is why I leave you and Jay down here," The mini pixs were flying around as well.
"It's ok I was the one that invited you down here," She said. Lloyd was also down here somewhere but I could only hear him.

"Can you guys hurry this door won't budge," Lloyd called.

"Now don't give to much power all at once of it'll take a lot longer to get this restated." I Placed my hands on the panels and tried to get some sparks. I was way to nervous to break anything else so I just zapped it as hard as I could.
"Try again," pixal said, I took a breath and did it. Slowly the lights flicked on and Lloyd came running through the door.

"Can we please get these powers fixed!" I asked.

"Not a moment too soon I see," we turned and there was Wu and Mystake. Jay came in running behind with the rest of them. I wanted my own powers and to get my life back. We were both handed cups and we drank whatever it was fast. I look at Jay and nothing really happened.
"Try your powers," She said to us. We both looked at each other and opened our hands. There was Jays lighting and I blasted over some loose papers. Both of us took a breath before hugging.
"Mystake maybe we should talk about this further," Wu said as he lead her out.
"Not to ruin this moment but we do have a mission...and now that you guys are fixed we could use your help," Zane said.
"Alright lets get suited up." Jay said. We nodded before walking to get ready.

"After this mission can I just stay over?" I asked.

"Of course," He said before giving me a kiss and heading off the room.

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