You face the Public-Kai

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Pretend no chapters ever said that the public knew you were together for the sake of this chapter. Also this is for fun it'll be a little dramatic and stuff


After y/n fell asleep I started scrolling on my phone. I opened chirp and there we were. Last night we had gone out to eat. It was the first really nice place we ever went to. The staff and manager assured us they wouldn't get anyone in that wasn't there to dine. And yet there we were leaning in for a kiss. Everyone trending # was about us. I started looking so far the worst thing was people wishing I was still single. I had no idea how she would react. Of course she'd knew by the morning when she checked her phone.

Ninja Group chat:

Kai:anyone awake and on Chrip?

Lloyd:Yep is y/n awake and seeing the both of you trending?

Nya:I warned you Kai now you guys have to be careful

Cole:Kai you may want to text Skylor now

Kai: why?

Jay:Kai the headlines aren't just about y/n anymore

I exited out messaged and then looked back in Chirp. Kai Smith with one or two girls? Kai Smith a bigger player then we thought? The fire ninja putting hearts out like flames

I had no idea what to do. There was my and y/n amongst pictures of Skylor. Y/n was still sound asleep. I was beginning to breath faster and managed to get out of bed without waking her. I went to the game room and called Skylor.

"Nya already texted and y/n should talk and make a statement to put these rumors to rest," Skylor said on the other end of the line.
"I know she's asleep and its late I'm not making an post about this on (what would instagram in Ninjago) I just wanted to take her to a nice dinner." I sighed rubbing my forehead.
"Kai?" Nya walked into the room.

"Hey.." She sat down next to me.

"It's been a few months I love her I just don't want to be hunted by Gayle Gossip sure its fun every one and a while but I wanna be able to take her out," Nya nodded.

"I think the best thing you can do it is make a public courtlier post put eh rumors to rest...people will be able to find her social media but they'll be less interested...if you stay silent then everyone is just gonna dig deep into both of them," Nya said.

"you saw what happened to Jay and I, it was hard but it was better the the public just saying whatever they'd wanted about our relationship,"

"Kai?" We both turned and y/n was in the doorway. Nya got up and left. She walked over just in one of my t shirts.

"I saw the group chat already," I tensed not knowing what she'd say. "I think Nya is right we go public, make everyone know we are the hottest couple in Ninjago," she said nudging my shoulder.

"We don't need a press conference just a cute post and I'll just keep my account private for now," I leaned over and kissed her. I pulled her onto my lap and moved my hands to her hair.

"I like the sound of that...everyone can know to back off...especially when people flirt with you at work," I said kissing her neck. She sighed and my hands moved to her hips.

"And then all those girls can drool over someone else..." She said letting out a breathy sigh.

"Just promise me you won't go on Gayle Gossip I don't care what Dearth tries to get you for," She nodded. I pulled her closer and felt her breath.

"So what's photo shows us off?" I said. She laughed.

"We'll we don't wanna show off my powers but maybe the one of us on the deck during Coles Birthday?" She suggested. I reached for my phone and pulled it up. It was a really good photo of the both of us. 

I showed her the bio of the photo. She approved it and that's when I hit post. I closed my phone we both just looked at it. Then it started buzzing.

"I'm gonna silent it," I said.

"Sometimes I forget how famous you guys are," she said.

"Well in the end it only matters that we end up together," I said leaning in again.

"Ahem," we parted and the team was in the door.

"Derek is on the phone and our phones are blowing up next time maybe give us a heads up, it is 11 pm," Cole said. Nya handed me the phone.

"The two of you SHOULD have told me about this we could have help a photo shoot  a press conference you will the be the hottest couple in all of Ninjago-" I hung up the phone.

"Kai-" y/n started.

"We shouldn't respond to the questions people keep asking us right?" Lloyd asked.

"Just done reveal my powers or all my personal shit you guys know...but you can be like yeah y/n is great with Kai," y/n said.

"Just keep is RESLLY basic for now it's better that way," Nya said. Jay and her headed back to their room but the others sat down. Y/n moved off my lap and back onto the couch.

"You guys could do so much now you know everyone is gonna want to feed into this, Lloyd said.

"I just hope people don't notice me at work," y/n said pulling a blanket on.

"All I know is Derek isn't taking you away for stupid photo shoots unless you really want that," I said.

"I'd consider it if it was with everyone or for a good cause but not just for some trashy magazines cover,"

"I remember when they found out about jay, Nya and I it was crazy...I mean people will die when Lloyd finds someone," Cole said.

"Yeah what about you huh they'll do the same thing to any person each of us dates," Lloyd retorted.

"Hey isn't this from my birthday!" Cole said. We both laughed and said yea.  I moved y/n against my best and held her close. I placed a few kisses on her shoulder.

"Over 10,000 people found my instagram," I looked at her phone she was right.

"Look like evryone will see the photos of Lloyd and Zane cooking dinner in matching aprons.

"What?!" Lloyd yelled. I laughed. I watched y/n keep talking. I hope one day soon we'd mention she was in the team. Maybe one day I could get up her Yang proposal. One day she'd never have to go back and fourth. One day just the two of us. I loved watching her mess with the guys. It came so easlily. I just Hope she knew how much I wanted eveyone to see how perfect she was for me.


While I was talking I just felt Kai's grip on my get a little tighter. He did that a lot. Make me remember he was Leah's there no matter what.
"Can we Go to sleep now?" I whispered and the guys argued over who got the post pictures with me next. Kai sat up and we left saying good night. We got into bed and I cuddled against him as he kissed my neck lightly.
"Night babe," he said finally. I closed my eyes feeling him pull be as close as humanly possible.

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