How to meet+ first "date"-Cole

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Cole POV

"Cole." My name was called as I picked up my coffee and pastry. I sat outside the bakery and watched the street. 

"Oh come one." I heard a girl say. I peaked around the alleyway. I saw one of the workers dragging a garbage bag. I got up and walked over. 

"Hey, I can help." She turned to me. 

"It's ok I can-" I picked it up and threw it in the dumpster. 

"y/n you ok out there." Another worker called out. 

"Thanks I have to get back to work." I watched her walk into the back door. Her (hair length) was pushed behind her ears. I sighed and realized I was still in the alley before I hopped on my bike. 

-a a few days later- 

"Cole where do you go every morning?" Jay asked. 

"To the bakery, I helped one of the workers and I keep trying to see her every day but I never get there during her shift," I muttered

"Someone has a crush-" Kai yelled. 

"I only know her name!" I said as I pulled my hood down hopping on my bike. I could feel it that today was the day. It was 10 minutes before closing. I saw the back door open. 

"Hey, can I lend a hand again?" I said quickly. 

y/n POV

I saw that guy again. All I could do was nod. He put the trash in the dumpster. We looked at each other and stayed silent. His hair was a bit long and he was muscular. He wore all black  and it seemed like he has some sort of tattoo on his arm. 

"You come here a lot," I said. 

"I have to be honest I came in looking for you," he said. 

"Well you found me but I've been working here for years my family owns the bakery." 

"It's a great place I can't bake for my life." I had an idea. 

"Lemme show you around, after all, you are the most loyal customer." I opened the back door for him. 

Cole POV 

I walked into the back room. There were trays of pastry and dough. 

"I could use some help, we don't bake till 5 am but you could help prep." She showed me the bowl with icing ingredients. I started mixing as she cut dough. We went on like this for a while. I lost track of time.

"So we both have family businesses but you seem to not work with your dad?" 

"I was never meant to be a dancer." I laughed. 

"Well maybe it'll come in handy one day," she said. 

"Well Cole for all your hard work here." She handed me a pastry box. 

"Chocolate cake?!"  I said. 

"My dad had wanted to take it off the menu at one point so I stayed in late to make them. And now they are one of our best sellers." I was taken aback weird how fate works. 

"Hey is the only way I can see you again is by putting in an application?" I joked. She shook her head. She walked closer to me and wiped some frosting from my lip before her face was inches away. 

"Of course not and I kinda of want to see you again..." I intertwined her hand in mine. 

"I wanna get to know you and not just because of the cake." 

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled at me. 

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