First Kiss-Lloyd

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Y/n POV.

I was getting ready for our fifth date. Lloyd said it was casual so I grabbed my jean jacket and wallet before heading out the door. It was later in the evening and I watch the sunset. When I got outside there was Lloyd and his bike. He looked perfect in jeans and a leather jacket.
"There's my girl." He said hugging me. He handed me the helmet and told me it was a surprise where we were going.
I realize we have been driving for a long time out of the city. But finally he stopped.
As I stepped off the bike I realized where we were.
" you talk about wanting to see this place a lot so I asked a favor and we get to spend the night here." I looked up there was the most historical castle in all of Ninjago. Being the history nerd I am I hugged him. The castle was entirely lit up and inside was breathtaking. Halls lined with mirrors and gold trim. There were hundreds of paintings with the first master and elements.
"I feel like we should have dressed up more,"I said looking down at my converse. 
"Funny you should say that," he said pulled me into the ballroom. I couldn't help but stare at the painted walls. And there on a chair was a glittering (favorite color) gown.
"There is one thing I forgot to tell you....tonight the ninja are holding a masquerade ball!" This caught me off guard. But him smile calmed me down. With that a few staff ushered me upstairs and I looked back Lloyd was talking with Zane who was in a suit. I walked in and there was another girl who I presumed was Nya. She greeted me super warmly and I felt right at home. We started getting ready and she told me a bit about Lloyd and the other ninja.
"So are you guys like together together?" I blushed.
"We haven't put an official label on it and we haven't kissed or done it so I don't really know but I don't wanna stop spending time together,"
"Y/n you will fit right in! I'm going to meet Jay and I will see you down there!" She exclaimed exiting.
I sat down on a bench in the room and waited. I heard noises and looked at the window and watch multiple cars pull up. To be honest I was glad I had a mask on what was I supposed to be Lloyd's fling? Date? Maybe even girlfriend?
My focus was broken when I heard a knock at the balcony door. Immediately even with a mask I knew it was a Lloyd.
"You look stunning..." he said. Once I opened the doors his hands went to trace my lower back. 

Lloyd POV.
-20 minutes earlier-
"Just grab her and kiss her already!" Kai was trying to tie and tie and coach me.
"I suggest you take it slow it may be both your first kisses," Zane said
"Just do it!" Cole agreed.
"My first kiss with Nya was breath taking right after dragon riding-" Jay was given a dirty look by Kai.
" I don't know guys I don't want it to be underwhelming but not overwhelming..." I said.
" she just is gorgeous and smart and witty and sometimes she reads a book before I meet her and I just look at her for a few minute.... But then she surprises me and takes risks! I mean she drove the bike for a few blocks!!" I started. I fixed my mask.


I could barely speak words she was breathtaking. All I could do is look at her lips. I just wanted to close the gap. From the balcony no one could see us. I pulled her out under the stars and I finally kissed her. Her hands moved to my hair and mine on her bareback. Her lips were sweet probably from the lip gloss she wore. I couldn't help her breathe a bit heavy when we finally parted.
"Let me give you a fun night and I want so many more with let me make this so official tonight!" I blurted out. She nodded her head and jumped into my arms. I tilted her chin up to kiss again. After a few minutes I lead her down the stairs. She held onto my arm making sure she didn't loose her balance.

"And look folks here comes the green ninja but who is he with?" As we walked down music started and Gale Gossp came over.
"Lloyd tell us who is she?" I felt her cling onto my arm a bit more.
"This is y/n my girlfriend," I saw Gale's face light up.
"You heard it here first folks tonight Lloyd Garmedon was finally won over." I hurried past and onto the dance floor with the others.
"Don't worry we may be public but I won't let anything happen to you." I pulled her closer as we moved back and forth. 
"Don't worry about me you have the weight of the world on you shoulders let me take some of that stress away," with that she leaned in one again.

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