You save him-Kai

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Nya handed me my brand-new uniform in front of everyone. I was so excited and looked at it.
" you can try it on," Kai noted and I went to the bathroom and put it on. I came out and they cheered and I laughed slightly embarrassed.
" gorgeous" he whispered in my ear. That's when the alarm went off near me exchanged a look.
" she's not ready," Kia said quick. I gave him a look.
" OK she's been training she can protect herself on a simple mission," Nya said.
" I was able to beat you in a fight I think I can manage and help the team out," I said walking onto the deck of the bounty. He swallowed hard.
"Just yell for me if anything happens," I nodded as we jumped off.


We speed off after a shipment of vengestone. I kept my eye out as she rode behind the rest of us. We started catching up to the truck and that's when we became targets. We started avoiding simple blast until Zane was able to jump on top of the moving truck. Jay climbed up as well and jumped into the passenger seat. I eventually got to the driver seat and radioed and everyone else. I was met with hearing that Y/N was in the back of the truck. The rode was finally starting to be unpacked meaning that we could stop the truck in a few minutes.

Zane said we were good to head to the city after we check the vehicle. That's when I moved up to the front.

"you looked incredible up there I just get nervous 'cause I want you in one piece." Kai said as he drove. I laughed. I gave him a kiss on the cheek to reassure him. I looked out the window hearing the others chatter on the radio in our ear pieces. I looked in the rearview mirror and that's when I saw a lasor.
It all happened at once I was blinded by light. I felt Kais hand grabbed my arm but then let go. The truck swerved and rammed into a nearby railing. Cole was yelling over the radio and as I looked up tons the front windshield cracked. I looked over at Kai and saw he had been badly cut by glass from the side mirror breaking.
I shook him saying his name but he didn't wake up.
"y/n status?!" Lloyd said.
"Kai isn't waking up help get us out!" I said trying to open my door. Of course it was jammed and I heard more cracking. I couldn't tell what was making the wind shield caved in...if they didn't get us out of here i don't know what would happen. I saw the The team pulling on my side of the door.
"Y/n you are the master of speed it's time to prove it here is the plan. Cole is going to break up the door however it may cause the windshield to with that amount of force. So when I say go you have to grab Kai and get both of you out of there. If the force makes the glass break we won't have enough time to get you out," Zane explained.
I moved Kai against the door. Coke opened it and that's when I got caught.


I stood next to Cole ready to grab Kai. That's when I happened Kai was thrown out and knocked me down. Nya yelled and then I saw Zane take Kai. I looked up as y/n was in Nya's arms. I got up and ran over her.
"Oh no Kai is gonna be mad," I said. I picked her up and brought her over to the vehicles.
"How bad is it?" Y/n asked me.
"Y/n it's gonna be fine we're gonna get you up in no time," Nya Said. I gave her a look. Her legs weren't crushed PIXALs tech in the gi saved her from any major cuts. It was probably shock.

-time skip to Borg Towers-


"Let me see her!" I said looking at Cole.
"Kai Zane is just scanning her, her legs aren't broken she's just gonna be sore!"
I laid back on the bed. She saved me. I never wanted her to get hurt.

"Kai?" I shot up there she was on crutches.
"you said she was fine!" I yelled.
"Kai it's just a precaution Zane's worried about my left leg that's all," she said coming over. Cole stepped out as she sat on the bed. I pulled her in.

"I know you can fight I just don't want you to have to save me," I said kissing her cheek a couple times.

"Hey I'd do anything for you, we're a team I'd do the same for anyone one of you guys," i smiled and kissed her lips.

"We will always look out for eachother," I said back. I wrapped my arm around her she laid down on my chest.

"You know I love you just let me save you next time,"

"Kai just consider it an I owe you," she laughed closing her eyes.

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