Power Switch-Zane

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This chapter was inspired by the new canon book coming out soon.....
Zane POV

I truly don't know where to start. All I knew one minute we were sparring and vines and wrapped around me.
"Y/n could you please control the vines?" I called out. Y/n had been sitting on the side of the mat watching me and Kai spar. But then all of sudden I was struggling and Kai couldn't burn the vines to free me.

"Zane!" Thats when I became frozen. I watched the that was pressed against my face. My sensors were going crazy realizing my element was being used against me. I heard the voice around me and y/n ran up to me. Kai started melting the ice and I stayed silent. I stood there just listening to them ask if I was ok but I couldn't say anything. I felt y/n hands on my face as the ice melted away.  My sensors came back into check and i moved to meet her gaze.  I was so scared to move. I didn't want to hurt her by accident or anyone. Not ever again. I was built to protect people but those powers made me capable over things I never want to utter. And now to have powers that are even stronger that I can't control.

"Zane say something please anything," She pleased with me. I saw tears rising up in her eyes. I knew I had a dead pan expression on my face I didn't want to worry her but I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry," I finally said.

"Zane we'll figure this out everyone is ok you were the one who got frozen!" Nya said.

"I didn't mean to worry you I was scared to activity y/n element by accident," I said before y/n leaned on my shoulder.

"Master Wu something happened we don't know what but they switched elemental powers," Cole said. As master Wu walked out to the training yard. I held y/n hand and felt her body temperature lower. I guess being a nindroid I was immune to some of the affect the others had with their elements. Kai always ran hot, Jay often caused slight shocks, Nya had some slight water proof attributes, and y/n well sometimes when she walked plants grew. But I lacked all of those things.

"The two of you must talk to eachother how to keep your powers at bay while i figure out how to solve this," Wu said before heading to this study. We sat down. The rest of the team resumed training but of course were distracted. Y/n opened her hand and there appeared a tiny snowflake. It floated and danced around before she closed her hand.

"My powers well, you've seen them I work with I talk to the nature," I tired to focas on making a vine wrapped around the training dummy. Nothing happened. Even when I extended my hand.

"What are you thinking?" Y/n asked.

"That the vines wrap around the dummy," I said. She shook her head.

"Talk to them like its a person, I know it sounds stupid but its how they work, ask them to wrap around, as for help," I looked back and then tried. vines please wrap around the training dummy, We watched as a very very small vine wrapped around.

"Yeah thats what happened to me first time I really tried, when your in an actually fight they sense your urgency more," She said. I did not doubt her powers abilities they were powerful.

"thank you for showing me," I took her hand lightly and kissed it.
"No matter what happens I'm just glad I didn't get Kai's powers," I joked. She smiled.

"I wouldn't want Jays powers I'd prob spark everyone by accident," she said.

"How about we go on a walk till Master Wu figures this out," I suggested. She nodded and we started out way to the woods near the monastery. I held her hand, it was almost spring it the trees were still dead.

"I hope you know how amazed I am by your powers, I didn't mean to imply I was upset at this situation," I said. I never wanted her to feel bad about herself. Or feel like I thought of her as less valuable then the others. She was so vital to the team now I don't know how we functioned without her.

"It's ok Zane I knew what you meant, I mean I'd rather have my new powers, and I've probably only scratched the surface with what I can do," I stopped immediately. Just in the middle of the path.

"What wrong?" She asked. I just stood there. I was panicking. I didn't want her to be like me. But if I was capable of being the ice-. I cut myself off knowing y/n was waiting for me to say something.

"You don't know everything that happened in the Never Realm..." I started.

"Zane I wasn't there you never have to say anything you don't want to...."

"Y/n I just know I didn't choose to do what I did there, but I was a little relived when I lost my powers before, I'm thankful I have them back to help people but I also..." I stopped I didn't know what else to say.
"Zane I would have never fallen in love with someone I thought would hurt me or anyone else on purpose," She said before wrapping her arms around me. I put my arms around her and then noticed the pathways. Below us flowers appeared.

"See these flowers never lie...thats why they always grow when your around," She said. I picked one up and admired it. I placed my had on her chin and tilted it up so I could kiss her. It lasted long. I just didn't want to stop. I was pulling her as close as possible. I my hands moved to go up and down her sides. I stopped kissing her forehead. Thats when I vine wrapped around her waist.

"Whoa Zane were fixed! I have my powers back!" She exclaimed before she started growing the trees green. The vines converged into an arch and flowers started growing. I stepped back before opening my own hand. There was a snowflake floating until a gust of them went to y/n.

"I'll never get tired of that," She smiled back at me.

"We should get back to the monastery before they worry," She nodded taking my hand in hers.

Zane got a different ending if you haven't seen parachutingKitten on YouTube go check her out now, I gave zane a different ending then the rest. I definitely did not do him justice I've seen some amazing writers take on his ice emperor trauma.


Ninjago boyfriend scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें