Pulling an All-nighter-Nya

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I rolled over in bed checking the clock. I looked and it was 10 PM? I went to lay down at 6 pm. I wrapped a blanket around me and walked into the hall.  didn't hear any noise so the guys must be asleep in their bunks.
I went into the bridge. And there she was.
"Hey," I Said Walking up. She was sitting in front of the screen and I wrappped my arms around her shoulders.
"There you are!" She turned giving me a kiss I pushed some hair out of her face after we parted.
"I didn't mean to sleep so late,"

"I mean you deserved it after saving Jay and Zane form being crushed." We had been chaseing some guys in the jungle. Of course Zane and Jay go stuck in a giant spider nest. The huge ass spider was coming at them and the crooks were pushed a boulder to crush them. I had to poison and the spider and then grab them before the boulder hit.
"Meh it was nothing,"
"You are amzing...dare I say better then me sometimes,"
"I think I need to record you saying that! The guys won't believe me!" I said laughing.
"So you lost rock paper clamp?" Nya nodded in response. Someone had to be in guard.
"We'll we could have some fun?" I said.

"Y/n we can't do it in the bridge-"

"No!!! I meant with our powers geez get your head out of the gutter," she blushed a little.
"We mastered toxic rain and mist but I was wondering if it was possible to make liquid poison?"

"I hadn't thought about I mean maybe I could keep and mixture stable but we might as well try," I nodded as we walked out of the bridge.
To be clear I could for the most part control how toxic something became. But it could be useful to make something someone could take.

We went to the kitchen and got a glass cup. Nya added some water then we took it out to the deck. We didn't mess with my poison inside. Incase I went crazy Jay and Zane made masks that could withstand my toxins. I was immune so Nya wore it. I ripped my finger in the water. It started to change to a dark geeen color.

"This should be able to knock someone out;"
"Csnt really use a test subject," I looked around. Zane's falcon was perched but saw me looking and flew away. Not like I'd ever harm it.

"Hmmm yeah let's not use a live test subject but I'll label it incase we need it
One day." I nodded before I looked over the railing of the Bounty.

"Not a bad veiw?"

"Not at all," I Said not Turing around. I felt her arms go around my waist and she kissed the side of my neck.

"One day we should go see the world just us..." she whispered. The breeze was blowing past us. Where we're actually hovering near mountains. We had set course to see Shintaro again but decided to not take the trip to fast.
"When are we ever going to catch a break?" I said turning to I was sitting on the railing. She immediately grasped my sides.
"I'm not gonna fall!" I said resting my hands on her shoulders. Her black hair was down. Normally it was up in the ponytail but this time I just watched it. I tucked a piece behind her ear cause the wind kept blowing it in her face. She leaned in before I could. She kissed me slowly. I felt her smile I'm the kiss and I laughed for a second.
"Alright the world we'll see the world together...but everyone is gonna tag along," I said.
She kissed my check, neck and lips all while saying "I won't let them tag along!" I leaned my forehead in her.

"I love you Nya, I'll do anything to let us finally have a real life alone together one day,"

"Hey stop getting all mushy it's almost 12!"

"Hey isn't Cole suppose to takeover night watch?" We looked the door he should be here by now.
"Alright chill I wasn't trying to ruin your moment!" Cole said walking out form the bridge.
"Well in the case..."


I jumped off the deck and formed my water dragon. Y/n already knew the drill. She got on and held on to my waist. During our trip and I had spotted some mountains with clearings.

 During our trip and I had spotted some mountains with clearings

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^this is where Nya took you

"What is this place?" She said looking around. We stood in the bank with glowing lotuses.
"I saw it when we were docking so when you made dinner I checked it out..." I said.
We walked along the edges until we got to the stone steps. It was a ruin of some sort. Maybe Vania knew what this place use to be.

"I thought we could just have a moment alone away from the chaos." Infront of us was a blanket water snacks.
"Nya how this is amazing!" We had set down but she tackled me in a hug. She hovered above me. I caressed her cheek.
"I love you..." I said kissing her once again.
"It's almost 1 we need to be back by 7 okay?" Y/n said. I nodded and kept kissing her.

- 3 hours later-
We laid on the blanket and watched the flowers and even glowing butterflies on the water. I traced her sides with my hand.
"We have to go back now..." she said. I groaned. It was around 4 meaning y/n shift was going to start till 8.
"Come on we can always find this place again," y/n said giving me kiss on my hand.

Then sun still wasn't up but y/n conjured her dragon instead. I felt my eyes closing as we went back to the bounty. I heard he say something before we landed. I leaned against her.
"Come on!" She was dragging me to my bed. We were able to have a separate bunk room from the guys so y/n out my into bed.
"I'll see you later," I didn't mean to fall asleep.


I covered her with a blanket before walking to the bridge.
"Hey here to let you sleep again even thought I haven't slept," I yawned.
"You know she's changed since you arrived, but you don't wanna keep skipping sleep. Trust me I did it once!" He said walking out.
I check the monitor nothing was happening.
"Coffee?" I was startled to see Cole.
I took the cup and sipped it.
"You should sleep," I said as he sat down.
"Eh I will...so have a magical date?"

"Oh shut up we just finally got a moment, I got to remember why I fell in love with this girl who's so stubborn and impatient but never like that to me," I said thinking about her.

"You Chose right and got super lucky she liked you-" I slapped his arm.

"Hey now! Go to bed or take my shift," I hoped he's take it. Let my sleep let me see Nya.

"Nah your in your own," Cole finally left. I was alone no noise the sun rising.

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