A Night out with the team-Kai

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"Cheers!" Everyone said. We were out to eat at a (favorite type of restaurant).
I checked my phone again. There was no new messages. Y/N was meeting her friends for the day, but was getting dinner with us. She texted me her order earlier if she was running late and now she was. I took my fingers on the table trying to pay attention to the guys conversation. Cole was saying something about our new suits and of course Jay was comparing them to our old ones.
That's when I heard the restaurant door open again, and a waiter, saying that we were seated. Of course, being a public figure, sweetheart the most restaurants hide a somewhat private area just in case fans were there. I was, of course, more than happy to say hello but I want to be able to eat my dinner.

"Hey Kai..." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to look right at the Y/N. She lean down for a quick kiss. She pulled out her chair and sat down, and we all start talking again.

"Excuse me is there a back entrance?" Nya asked the waiter.
"I'll be right back," he responded. A few minutes later one of the managers walked out.
"We'll make sure you can get to your vehicles when your done," we all thanked him and kept talking.

"I say we go back to Shintaro next visit with Vania," Cole suggested.

"Or would could go ski!" Nya said.

"What about the beach instead of using Master Wu's bell," y/n said. I leaned over.
"I like the sound of a beach vacation...us every day in the beach you in that-"

"Kai shut up I know which is your favorite and if the team votes a beach vacation then you'll see it," she said back.

"Everyone should veto the beach!" Jay called out. Y/n laughed next to me.

"Hey anyone want dessert,"


Kai leaned in hand on my thigh.
"You've make this joke everytime!" I said in a low voice before he could say anything. He gave me his signature smirk so I kissed his check.
The waiter came back around Kai wanted to split (favorite dessert).

"We'll have (favorite dessert)," I said handing the menu back. The waiter took it back.
"That's a beautiful bracelet," he said standing to the side of me. I smiled and thanked him.
"I don't like that-"
"Stop being jealous it was one compliment so what I'm going home with you after all," I waved Kai's comment off.
We got our dessert and shared.

"Ok so it's between the mountains and Shintaro!" Jay said.

"Ok but we could do both did you say Shintaro had mountains," I asked.

"No there are bats we can't stay there!" Cole said. They started bickering. They acted like we'd never have a vacation again. I started looking around the restaurant. That's when I met our waiters eyes. I smiled before turning my head away.
"Can we revisit the beach-"

"NO" the 4 of them yelled at Kai. I leaned on him. He wrapped an arm around me.

"I'm glad your coming with us," I looked into his brown eyes. He winked at me knowing I was just remembering he was mine casually.
"What about an adventure a quest-" we all have Lloyd a look after he said that.

"No way not again!" Kai said. I knee the tens didn't mean anything. But I feel Kai grip my arm harder. I reached over and out a hand in his face. I kissed his cheek again.
"It's ok we won't," The others knew not to acknowledge Kai was still fearful from his encounter with Asphera.

"You know what blind vote," Zane said. We all groaned. Zane truly claimed he could be impartial. We covered our eyes.
"The mountains?" I didn't raise my hand of that one.

"Shintaro?" I raised my hand.

"By majority votes we are going back to Shintaro!" I opened my eyes. Obviously no one was upset over this. However Cole and Nya had really wanted to ski.

"You won't believe your eyes..." Kai said. Eventually we left. Kai held my coat as we walked out the back to put vehicles.
"I'm driving!" I snatched the keys out of his hand.
"No racing home!" Nya called out from Jays bike. 
"So are yo suppose to keep your hand in my thigh the whole time tell me sweet things since you insist on driving?" He said winking.

"Oh shut up you know I'm a better driver!" I said changing the car gear.

"Are you excited about the trip?" He asked.
"Of course I've never met Vania before, and I always thought Shintaro was just a fairytale!" I thought about the photos they showed me. They were able to have a few days together after the coronation. I saw the gardens the palace but nothing was as good as being there.
"The First Night we will spend it in the garden," he said. He pressed autopilot. I looked over as he kissed my hand.

"I know we are going with the team but we can also get some alone time, just us I proimse." I looked into his eyes. Remembering all the things he had done for me. Kai was impulsive, hot headed, and snarky. But with all of that it never negatively impacted me. We could banter and yeah the occasional fight happened. But he was not a man who would be one way then just change for me. For anyone he cared about he showed it.

"Are you gonna sleep over tonight?" Kai said making me glance at him.

"Yeah it's late I'm tried and don't wanna deal with the paparazzi right now."


I opened the car door and held her hand was we walked through the base under The monastery. We got back to my room and I handed her my sweats and shirt. Normally she had stuff here but it was in the wash. I sat on my bed.

"Kai look away!" She said. I chucked and did. even though it didn't actually matter to her. I felt a kiss on my check and I opened my eyes.

"Nya went shopping for a new candle can you light it?" She asked holding it out. I signed and lit a small flame on my finger bring it to the wick.

"Setting the mood?"

"No remember to blow it out I'm going to sleep." I have her a look as she went under the blankets. I laid down so we were face to face.
"I'm so glad I met you," she reached out and ran her hand along my scar. Even I knew my face got hit when she did and not because of my element.

"Me too even though you probably would have found me if my element got out of control," I nodded. I pulled her closer.
"Goodnight?" I said.

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