A Night Out with the Team-Cole

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Cole POV

I walked into my room and there was y/n. I couldn't help but admire her. The way the dress fell as she was trying to zip it up.

"Need help?" She nodded. I walked over and zipped her dress. I ran my hand on her side.
"Come on we don't wanna be late right?" She said. I turned her so i could kiss her lips. I kept her in my arms. Feeling her push against me. I was about to pick her up before she stopped.
"We are not being late to Skylors birthday!" She said grabbing her bag and the keys.
I checked my hair in the mirror before following her.

"Damn you clean up nice!" Kai said as we walked into the courtyard. I have him a look and he whistled walking away.
"Oh stop it!" She whispered as we left. For once we were not at Skylors restaurant. I pulled out y/n chair as we all sat down.
Skylor stood at the head of the table.
"I wanna thank you all for being here..." I was sitting next to y/n.

"Tell my immediately if it starts to hurt or anything," Nya said to y/n. She nodded looking at the bandages on her arm. After the last mission she hadn't managed to escape in time. I had gotton away With just some bruises. This was the first time we had been out since that mission. Zane was next to me as Skylor talked he leaned over.
"I've scanned her nothing is to worry about." I took a breath knowing Zane was right. The waiters started coming out with food. We started eating recounting the days.

"I'm just glad you always make it back to me in one piece," Skylor said. I nodded as I glanced back at y/n. I knew she was fine I knew she could take care of herself but how could I not hope she would never feel any pain.

"I'm glad I'm just pulling my weight and saving all of them occasionally," y/n joked.

"You have yet to save me!" Kai said.
"Does this mean your a better ninja then the others?" She retorted.

"Maybe it is!" Kai said. We all rolled our eyes at him.
"You can save me any day," y/n whispered in my ear. I smiled lacking my hand in hers. We had both finished eating.
"I will always be there for you or Dave you,". I gave me a smile before leaning on my arms.
"Babe you are leaning right on my bruise though," I said trying to ignore it. She of course moved away.

"I always wanna officially welcome y/n to the team now she had to be at every annunal dinner at my noodle house!" Skylor said.

"Aw thank you Skylor," she smiled. Skylor lifted her glass to her.

"I'm just glad I get to be a part of the team and can finally taunt Kai," I laughed out loud to that.


I took a sip of my drink before getting back in the convo. Zane was going in about the new modifications for the bounty. Nya wanted new uniforms and had many ideas. Kai was talking about everything we could do for publiziert for the next month. Jay was talking about his last trip to his parents. And Nya was wondering if she could train someone to take over being Samurai X. Cole was reminding everyone of our upcoming trip to Shintaro. We couldn't help but mention how Lloyd was paranoid of Vania like last time.

"I'm just exited to navigate through the mountains and make evryone stay inside this time," Nya said looking to Jay.

"Hey Zane DIDNT even know if they were real or not!" Jay said recalling how he was taken off the deck of the ship.

"I can show you the gardens the town anything you like I'm kind of a big deal there," Cole playfully boasted. I took his hand one more time leaning my head on his shoulder.

-Alcohol mentioned next-

"Next round is on me!" Skylor yelled out. We all got handed gorgeous drinks.
"Want mine?" Cole said. I nope des taking it. His body wasnt phased by alcohol so there wasn't a point in drinking. 

2 hours later

I guess I didn't notice the time passing as now Cole was herding us.
"I can do it myself!" I protested.

Cole POV

Pixal, Zane, and Jay handled drunk Kai, Nya and Skylor. I of course was tasked with getting y/n back to the bounty. It wasn't that hard as she was clinging to me.
"You are just so strong but I bet one day I'll be able to life you!" With that I felt hands on my waist and she tried. I had to laugh.
"Don't laugh!!!" I just looked down and skilled. I gently kept walking to the car. I was able to get her in. As we drove she opened the window which meant I had to keep on hand on her arm to make sure she didn't lean to far out the window.
"You should try this!!!" She yelled into the wind. I kept my eyes on the road knowing she was blissfully happy and would get back into the car all the way. That's when I felt her in my arm.
"My favorite thing about you is your arms, like Cole it's insane. I mean I like your personality but you know,"

"I know babe now come on drink some water," I coaxed. She sighed taking a sip of a water bottle.

-read ahead at your own risk-

She moved away and I looked at the road. That's when I heard a zipper. I glanced and there she was pulling the side zipper of her dress down.

"Babe! We're almost back just wait to change," I said. I felt my face get hot. Of course I'd be down but not while I was driving and while she was this drunk.
"I saw a hoodie back there I'm not asking for anything I just want to get out of this," I was trying to figure out how to just keep her in the dress. Otherwise the guys would tease me and I didn't need to explain.
"Y/n you look gorgeous in that dress, keep it on for me, let me take it off for you," I whispered the last part.

"Cole..." she at least settled into the seat. I reached back and grabbed my hoodie placing it on the divider so I could throw it on her.
"Do you promise," she said.

"I promise," I knew the actual possibility of this might ending with that promise was slim.
Finally we reached the bounty.

"Hey y/n i have your shoes!" Kai said handing them over. Kai was the least drunk. The Nya, Skylor, and lastly y/n.
Who had refused to leave the sweatshirt in the car. We headed down to our room.
As soon as I closed the door I was pinned to the wall. Her lips were ok mine and of course I kissed her back. I did manage to find the zipper and pulled it down.
"You always keep your promises," she said and I loved her to the bed. I kept kissing her then her neck. I flipped her to be under me. That's when I saw her eyes shut. I kept kissing her neck softly before I heard the smallest snore. I checked and there she was asleep. I kissed her check before pulled the blanket on her.
Form the bathroom I got a makeup wipes and started getting as much off as I could. I took her hair down as well. I couldn't brush it but at least it wouldn't be knotted in the morning. I changed and got into bed trying my best not the wake her. All I can say is it was a pretty great night out.


I rolled over to an empty bed. I reached for my phone. As I opened it said 11 am meaning Cole was always half way down with this day. I noticed I needed some clothes so I got them on. I looked in the mirror noticing there wasn't a ton of makeup on my face. I brushed out my hair before leaving the room.
"Morning," I turned to face Cole leaning in the doorway.
"Did you do all this?" I asked. He nodded as I walked to him.
"Of course didn't want you waking up and having to get unready from the night before," he ran his hand through my hair.
"Thank you," I said before he leaned down to kiss me.

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