°•¤●Celebrating Unification●¤•°

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[Chapter 53]


[It seems he once again proved his inability to withstand the test of turmoil.]

{Please, he has been deprived of such tenderness from his loved ones for most of his life.}

[He has grown soft by it, distracted. It will be his undoing.]

{He needs this. You said so yourself: he's just a kid.}

[She is as much as a kid as he is. He must set his sights on her longevity, not idle in bliss and ignorance. She has much to live for, so he must keep fighting even if it means he has to disassociate himself from her.]

{He's not ignorant, especially to what must be done. You have to understand. He can't just leave Yuuki alone in pursuit of defying fate. They must cherish the moments they have left together. There's still time-}

[Which he is running out on. He can spend as much time as he wants with the girl once her fate is secured. This is no such period. He must act now.]

{Listen to me-}

[Enough, "cherish the moments they have left together". What are you trying to say?]

{I just thought-}

[Yuuki Konno will have a lifetime ahead of her, to the day she dies of old age and has lived a prosperous life. Akashi must ensure that fact remains true and absolute. Do I make myself clear? Don't speak as if her time in this world is limited.]

{HE NEEDS TO BE THERE FOR HER TO CULTIVATE HER WILL TO LIVE. She has been too content with how her life has turned out. He can't let her keep that mindset, or her body will lose strength. Allowing him to spend time with Yuuki without obsessing over ways to help save her will strengthen her desire to keep living!}


{She must have the fighting spirit to keep pushing forward. That is how she will have a higher chance of making it. This isn't about just Akashi anymore. Even if he did find every possible way to see that she survives, if he wasn't there to encourage her to keep on breathing in the first place, then NOTHING can be accomplished.}


{She's not who you think she is... Not anymore.}

[..... It appears so.]

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now