°•¤●Problematic Situation●¤•°

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[Chapter 14]

I took a brief shower, the water was hot enough to break grounds for a better mindset. Need to get myself mentally prepared before anything else. The tea earlier soothed my breathing, which should be good enough for me to lie in bed for a few more hours.

It's still 3 p.m so we have plenty of time to level up. By now I'm sure everyone in the guild is online, though I wouldn't be surprised if they went levelling before me.

The blue aura you get surrounded by whenever you log in flashed before my eyes. Alright, I'm in.

My sights revealed the environment in crystal detail, a comfortable inn that warms my skin with its atmosphere. I realized, beside me is the same table Yuuki took me to yesterday. I suppose this is where I auto-spawn in this area, huh?

Hm... now did I think about it, we only met for less than forty-eight hours. I shouldn't get ahead of myself like that next time, I've only known her for a few days.

I lay my head down on the table, trying to recuperate my thoughts. Breathing slowly to maintain my composure, I began building a working strategy. A way to beat that boss effectively...

That's odd... I don't remember fighting the 27th Floor Boss in SAO before... Usually, I'd participate in all of the floor clearing events with the front lines, Asuna and Kirito constantly pushed forward with me. Albeit we didn't really get along together back then. Maybe I must have been busy at that time, 2 years is a long time so I can't remember every single thing that I did in the game. Hmm...

This table is relaxing... for some reason... it's too nice... I'm still sleepy even after taking a shower and logging in.

This smell... hmm... it's such a sensation... the scent of flowers... I'm losing consciousness... It wouldn't hurt to take a little nap...




My shoulder feels heavy. The scent is strong in my nose. Unconsciously, I moved my arms...


There, whatever I just did made the scent seem a little closer now. Very... very... close...




"Heheh~ they look so cuuute~"

"You're overly enjoying this, Yomo.".

"I never seen him like this before, it makes my heart melt so much!"

"Please slow down! He needs some sleep, and so does she!"

I can hear my sister's voice and Kirito's, maybe a little bit of Siune's?... What a weird dream, they seem to be arguing about something... hmmm. What am I hugging? Right, this... lavender scent. I pulled it towards me without thinking earlier.

Sort of reminds me of Yuuki.

It's so real though like I'm hugging a bouquet of them...

I'm... at peace...




Hmm... my eyes, they were still cumbersome, but I managed to open them slowly, hesitantly.

My gaze caught streaks of purple lining, ears pointy, a red headband pressed on my cheek... my whole body weighed heavier than usual, and my arm is wrapping itself around some...one...








Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think.

How did this happen? Why? When? What time is it?


A few minutes after I slept, Yuuki came by and had a look at me sleeping, she was getting too close until I managed to catch her scent... so my half-asleep self unconsciously pulled her in... for a hug, and she must have fallen asleep not knowing what else to do. The voices, those were real. Kirito and Siune were arguing with my... sister? Yomo? Oh right, that's her in-game name.

Shit, Yorozu saw me like this with her. God, now I can't do anything about her opinion. There's no turning back... ahhhssh...

Hmm... where are they anyway? How long have we been like this?

I averted my gaze to the far right of my vision, everyone has a digital real-time clock stuck on their eyes, the same as health bars.

4.30 p.m

I've been sleeping for an hour and a half!? It felt so fast, I didn't even notice!


Huh? She's moving a little, sliding down. Her head now lying on my chest, my arms still hugging her belly from behind as I sat on the long bench stretched beside the table. Her purple gown covered the rest of my legs, leaving hers exposed. She's sitting on my lap, though still wearing her armour, she was completely unprepared for this.

I glanced at her sleeping soundly, her eyes closed shut and her lips were bright pink, from this up close, I see that her skin is clear, creamy white. Strains of hair overlapped parts of her face... It's subtle, but I want to touch them. Moving them slowly so that I can see more of her...

Wow, way to go at being a creep, Akashi. Wait, this is bad. I already told myself to not get carried away around her, and look at what I'm doing now! I...


She must have thought the same... we both are completely aware of us still being strangers. I bet she was panicking when I pulled her in like this. She probably thought of some sort of way to get out of this situation, this is sort of a bit awkward... I hope nobody else sees us...

Hmm, now did I think about it. There's no one left in the inn, the three earlier went somewhere else I think. It has been a while since I heard them.

I gazed at the girl again. I just now noticed her under-apparel was of dark violet tights, parts of her waist revealed more of her skin. The tights continued downwards, tightening more on the thighs. Making maximum flexibility and mobility. Though, again, revealing many parts of her hips and lap.

This set of clothes, it's revealing too much skin now that I look at it. No good, she's just about my age, she doesn't need all of this necessarily.




Her chest plate is covering the important ones so no need to bother about those.

"Mm... HuuuUUWAAAAAAHHH...~".

Oh, she's awake!

[The End of Chapter 14]


Author's Notes

If you found the name Yorozu and Yomo to be familiar, you aren't alone. Yeah, there's no other character I based that name on other than the one you're thinking of right now.


Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin