°•¤●Lightning Dance●¤•°

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[Chapter 18]



"There's five of them, hold the front one for a few seconds! I'll finish all of them off with this!" I directed my partner, she speeds past me and parries the oncoming attack from the lizardmen.

The five of them are scattered in a straight line, I need a multiple hit sword skill for this.

Aincrad Sword Skill: Deadly Sins

In a swift motion, I beheaded all five of my enemies in one line of an attack. Flowing seamlessly like a calm wind. My sword vibrates in a soft blue aura, creating luminous streaks of light behind it as it travels across one head and another. The bodies of each monster fell on their knees, dispersing into flame-like pixels as they should.

"Look up!" Yuuki warned, my eyes already aware of what she was looking at. Four of them, two on some scaffolding to both the right and left pillars of the dungeon.

"You can jump that high?" I asked, making sure.

"With some ramps, of course,"

"Focus on the right, I'll go left!" The swordswoman sprinted onwards.

"Mh!" I followed after,

The walls were rough, making it easy to sprint on, we cant use our wings in here so this could work!

Yuuki jumped from one hanging scaffolding to another while I sped across the left wall, the lizards up here pulled their arrows in haste seeing me. I cut the bow of the first in front of me, snapping it in half. I then jabbed into the monster's torso as the other one's arrow went flying towards me.

Having no cover, I used the lizard as a shield before it disintegrated, saving me from the piercing line of fire.

It soon ignored me as it sees Yuuki taking down its friends on the right pillar, it aims to shoot her.

It was about 10 meters away from me on another scaffolding, with a long drop separating us. The only way for me to get there fast enough before it fires another arrow is...

Aincrad Sword Skill: Vorpal Strike

I pulled my sword far behind me, it charged in red energy. I released my body as it flows the tide of the attack, shooting me far across from one top to the other, with my sword piercing the armour into the innards of the second bowmen in a single strike.

"Not this time buddy," I uttered looking at the silver reptile, struggling to get free before dispersing into flames.

I looked at her side, and it seems she threw the last one off its station quite nicely.

Before we got the chance to give each other a simple thumbs-up, the marble pillars around us crumbled and shook, like the entire Aincrad Floor here is about to collapse. The light coming from above, (that usually fills the dungeons around each floor in Aincrad), was casting a sudden enormous shadow. It was moving fast, falling.



"NGH! Whatta-"

The dust clouds arose upon impact. A gargantuan dragon-like Saurian fell from the ceiling of the dungeon, its mass was enough to break the quartz floor of the hall. It was big enough to fill Kirito's entire house, dangerous enough to be a boss.

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