°•¤●Lovely Moon●¤•°

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Oh, Hi! It's me again! As always, I am here to remind you that this chapter is best read with music and headphones on. I don't do these "Disclaimers" for no reason, trust me on that! What you're about to read is pretty graphic, and unnatural... it's insanely long as well. This one has, get this, 7450 words worth of texts. So you're in for a real, real, real treat. That seems like a lot, but...


Of course, do as you please! All I hope is that you enjoy, Chapter 49!

(Also, if an author like me is adding disclaimers on a chapter like this, that probably means it's gonna get nasty. Brace yourselves.)

A̷̮̗͛̀n̶̥̞̊d̵̪͉̔ ̶̼̺̃̐b̸̨͓́̋e̶͔͊ ̴̺͈̄ȧ̴͎̥͝ḟ̵̟͕r̷̛̦̥̓a̶̪̔i̶̟̋d̴̫̰̈́.̶̩͕̉̾

[Chapter 49]

I looked down, inhaling the mountain's spirit.

My conscience is clear. Everything Yuuki has said flushed the uncertainty away from my head. Those words... made it all seem so obvious now. Vivid, like a lucid dream.

With that, I have finally gotten my chance of redemption.

The Will, the Might,

The Courage to speak.

Once again, I was renewed. Yuuki sent out a great push forward, ultimately disinfecting this disease lurking in me.

No demons will ever savour the taste of my core, not anymore.

No painstaking pulses will ever come to ruin my life again!

No nightmares!

No breakdowns!

This ends right here, forever. Gone!

This is where I bury you,

Bloodmoon Swordsman...

Akatsuki no Kenshi, it will be done!

"Yuuki," I stood up from my leaning position, no shaking nor twitching. My rising temperature exceeded norms, but that's just my body saying I'm ready for what's to come.

"The reason I wear this hood on my head, even when I have no reason to..."

"Hm?" Her innocence shined with her curiosity.

"Is because... it keeps me... calm."

"..? Calm? So it's not just because of bullies? Eh~ But you always seem okay to me, though~? You sure that's why?" She pointed out blissfully.

"Well, at first, that was the only reason... at least until... SAO."

"O-Oh... Oh! Wait, are you sure you want to tell me anything about this? I-I don't want you getting another, uh- seizure? Or something! You don't have to tell me if you're not ready!"

I shook my head, "No, it's fine... like you said, Yuuki,"


"You shouldn't be afraid to tell someone you love your honest feelings, even if you're afraid you might lose them."

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now