°•¤●Inevitable Falling●¤•°

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---::Growth of Heart Sub-Arc::---

[Chapter 11 {I}]


"J-Jun! U-Um... I'm quite in a rush right now. Can I talk to you later, maybe?"

My left hand waved slowly trying to pardon the orange knight, he came in at the wrong time for sure.

For some reason, he keeps pulling these surprise hangouts every week on the same day, at the same time. What exactly is he trying to achieve here?

I see the sweat dripping down from his forehead, casually making its way down as he continues to smile nervously.

"Wh-what is it? You're not THAT busy, are you? Come on, let's relax a bit. Wanna go- uh... star gazing maybe? What do you think?"

"IIII~ think you're still dreaming, it's morning Jun. You slept late last night didn't you?" I held my chin with a finger,

"H-huh? I-I didn't know you were so considerate of me. Hehe." He jests, raising his hand and rubbing his head while looking the other way, 'suspiciously' I might add. He's making it look like he's the only one I'm considerate for...

Sheesh, I already stargazed with Akato just yesterday. Hell, it's the middle of the day right now... Is he really... trying to imitate him?

"Anyway, we can't talk now, I'm heading outside-"

"Wh-hey Woah, where are you going?" He leans on the door more, covering it from me. Gosh, doesn't he know this is making him annoying? He might be 16 but still, learn and grow up a bit, dude! I can't pamper everyone in the guild all the time!

"I'm going out to do some levelling for tonight, so, please move away so that I can go fight. Pleaseee~" I made an innocent puppy dog look. See the chances if I can persuade him to let me through.

I can see his face turning a little bit red, though I don't know if it's just his tired face making him appear that way.

"W-well why not I assist you? Let's go farming XPs together! That way we both get what we want."

"Hm? What was it that you want?

" N...n-nothing."

This guy... guess maturity blooms later for others than most.

I let out a big sigh and continued to back away from the door, in bitter defeat.

This might take a while, wouldn't it? If I scold him, he would probably avoid me until tonight's boss raid, which will be troublesome. Like it or not, I have to listen to what he says just for today. But I'm so tired of this though, every week? Give me a little break would ya?

"Fiiiiine, fine. Let's talk, but only for a while, got it? After that, I'm heading out."

A smile bursts from his face, he grabbed hold of my bare hand and cushioned it between his two palms firmly.

"Right, thanks!"

I looked the other way and pulled it from his grasp, a bit disappointed. Discomforted.




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